For Translators

You’ve been invited to join the Crowdin Enterprise project, but not sure where to start? Here’s everything you need to get started with translating and proofreading. This article will walk you through the basics of the translation process in Crowdin Enterprise.

Accept the Invitation and Create an Account

You will receive an invitation email or a link from a project manager to join the organization in Crowdin Enterprise. After accepting the invitation, you will need to create a new account to proceed.

Explore Your Workspace

The Workspace is the first page you’ll see after a successful registration. You’ll have the proofreader or translator (or both) access to the project you’ve been assigned to work on. You can access each project from here.


Using the left sidebar, you can access the following pages:

  • Starred projects
    This page contains all your starred projects. Use it for quick access to the projects you open the most often.

  • Notifications
    On this page, you can see all the key updates for the projects you are working on. For example, notifications about new strings added, new tasks created, etc. You can also choose to receive updates via email or Slack. Open your Account Settings and go to the Notifications tab to change your notification preferences.

  • Messages
    Create one-to-one conversations or add as many project members to a conversation as needed. Any time you receive a message in one of the conversations, you can view it here.

  • Tasks
    This page contains a list of tasks assigned to you. Use the filter for better navigation and archive the completed tasks.

  • Store
    Crowdin Store offers 500+ apps you can install to extend Crowdin functionality. Explore Crowdin apps on the Crowdin Store.

Project Page

Each project has its own Dashboard page where you can see some basic information about the project, such as the number of target languages and source words, the last activity, and a list of the languages you’ve been assigned to work with.

For projects with workflow, you can click the expand icon next to the language to see the workflow steps assigned to you. You can select the workflow step and open all the strings you will be working with in that step in the Editor.

Open Project

To access specific source files, click on the needed target language from the list and select the file.

Source Files

Working in the Editor

Translators and proofreaders work in the Editor. Open each file in the Editor separately or access all the strings of the assigned workflow step at once. You can switch between the files directly in the Editor. To make your work in the Editor more efficient, consider using the keyboard shortcuts.


When you open the Editor on the Translation step, you’ll see the following sections:

Editor Sections

Section 1 (Left sidebar)

A list of the source strings. Each string is marked with the symbol that helps you identify its state - untranslated, translated, or approved. You’ll also be able to identify strings that have comments or related issues. Learn more

To find the needed string, type your search phrase in the Search in file (Search strings) field in this section. You can filter and sort the source strings using the Simple or Advanced Filter.

Section 2 (Middle-top area)

The main working area with the source string at the top and the section where you can type translations below.

The context of the string is displayed right below the source string. Typically, this can include descriptions and screenshots. You can request context from here if needed.

The terms added to the project glossary are underlined in the source string. You can review the additional explanation added to the term to make sure the translation is correct. A project manager can also give you permission to add terms to the project glossary.

If the source string has highlighted elements, it means that the string contains the elements of ICU message syntax. You should copy the source to translate this type of source string.

You may also get pop-up messages about QA checks that will help you avoid translation inaccuracies, such as inconsistent punctuation, mismatched spaces, missing variables, etc.

Section 3 (Middle-bottom area)

This section contains the resources and previous translations that might be useful:

  • Translations by other project members
  • Translation Memory (TM) suggestions
  • Machine Translation (MT) suggestions
  • Translations to other languages
Section 4 (Right sidebar)

Discuss the meaning of the source string or other related questions here. Use “@” and a username to mention the specific person or create an issue related to the string.


If you are assigned to proofread the translations, you’ll see the list of source strings and their translations that you can review, correct where needed, and approve. The strings with the QA checks issues will be highlighted in this mode. You’ll also see the strings that were translated with the help of Translation Memory or Machine Translation engine.


String Status at Workflow Steps

In every project, strings move from one workflow step to the next. There are three statuses: ToDo, Pending, and Done. They are applied to each string depending on its status at the workflow step it’s currently at.

For example, if you’re assigned to translate the string, once you save the translation, the string is marked as Done and then moves to the next step.

The Pending status can be applied to the string in the following scenario:

The source string is translated at the Translation workflow step and marked as Done. It then moves to the next workflow step, e.g., Proofreading, where it’s marked as ToDo. If the translation of the string is deleted at the Translation workflow step, the string remains at the Proofreading workflow step and is marked as Pending until the translation is added again at the Translation workflow step.

Offline Translation

You can download project files (preferably in XLIFF format), translate strings offline, and upload completed translations to the project.

See Also

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