
If you have some existing translations, you can upload them to your project in Crowdin Enterprise. 在项目的译文选项卡或语言页面中导入带有译文的文件,或者在编辑器中打开特定文件并从那里上传译文。 最佳实践是上传含有键值对结构的翻译文件。



This includes the following file formats: Android XML, macOS/iOS Strings, Stringsdict, JSON, Chrome JSON, GO JSON, i18next JSON, FBT JSON, XLIFF, XLIFF 2.0, Java Properties, Play Properties, Java Properties XML, RESX, RESW, RES JSON, YAML, INI, Joomla INI, JS, FJS, PO, TS, QT TS, Blackberry, Symbian, Flex, BADA, TOML, Coffee, DKLANG, XAML, SRT, VTT, VTT2, SBV, SVG, DTD, CSV, RC, WXL, Maxthon, Haml, XLSX, PLIST, PHP, ARB, VDF.


基于文本和 HTML 的格式


This includes the following file formats: HTML, Front Matter HTML, Markdown, Front Matter Markdown, TXT, Generic XML, Web XML, DOCX, HAML, IDML, DITA, Wiki, FLSNP, MIF, and ADOC.


Currently, this feature is available for the following languages (not depending on the language pair combination): Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese Brazilian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Russian.

Uploading Translations via Translations Tab

To upload multiple files with translations, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. 点击上传现有译文以展开相应部分。 Upload Translations
  3. 从计算机中拖放文件,或点击选择文件。 您可以上传 ZIP 存档以添加多个文件夹和文件。
  4. Crowdin Enterprise automatically matches uploaded translations with appropriate source files and languages. 手动检查,确保一切匹配正确。
  5. (Optional) Configure the system behavior toward the uploaded translations using the advanced import settings.
    Configure Upload
  6. 点击导入将译文应用到源文件。

Uploading Translations via Language Page

  1. 在项目页面上选择语言。
  2. Click next to the file translations should be uploaded to.
  3. 选择 上传译文

Uploading Translations via Editor

To upload a file with translations, follow these steps:

  1. 在编辑器中打开必要的文件。
  2. Click on the Main menu in the upper-left corner.
  3. Go to File > Upload Translations. Upload Translations Option

Uploading XLIFF Translations

下载 XLIFF 格式的现有内容后,您可以对所有文件格式进行离线翻译。 离线翻译完成后,请立即使用上传 XLIFF 译文

要上传特定目标语言的所有文件的 XLIFF 译文,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 在项目页面上选择语言。
  2. Click in the upper-right corner and select Upload XLIFF Translations.



