Azure Repos 集成(基于字符串)

The Azure Repos integration allows you to synchronize translations from your Crowdin project to Azure Repos repo.

Note: You will need to install the Azure Repos integration in your Crowdin account before you can set it up and use it.

In string-based projects, Azure Repos integration exclusively operates in the Target file bundles mode.

Target file bundles mode – generate and push translation files to your Azure Repos repository from the Crowdin project in the selected format. 在此模式下,集成会推送翻译文件,但不会同步仓库中的源。 如果您在 Crowdin 项目中执行源文本审阅并希望将更新的源文本添加到您的仓库中,您可以将源语言添加为目标语言,该语言将与翻译一起推送到您的仓库中。

All completed translations are collected into bundles and automatically pushed as a merge request to the l10n branch in the Azure Repos repository.

将 Azure Repos 链接至 Crowdin

  1. Open your project and go to the Integrations tab.
  2. Click on Azure Repos in the Integrations list.
  3. Click Set Up Integration to integrate via your Azure Repos account. Azure Repos Integration Connecting Azure Repos
  4. Then authorize the connection with Crowdin on the Azure Repos side: Azure Repos Integration Authorization

In case the repository you need is private, and you have limited or no access to it, please ask the repository owner to provide you with an access token. Afterward, click Use personal access token and insert the token into the Token field and click Set Up Integration.

Note: When setting up an integration, ensure that you have the Project Administrator level permission to the necessary repo.



Azure Repos Integration Unconfigured

Azure Repos integration in the Target File Bundles Mode will send the completed translations from your Crowdin project without pulling sources from your repo. 因此,在选择应翻译的仓库和分支时,您可以指定集成应将生成的带有翻译的包放在何处。

Read more about configuring target file bundles for VCS integration.

当您使用私有集成(例如,与自托管 VCS 集成)时,您需要将专用的 Crowdin IP 地址添加到白名单中,以确保其正常运行并保持安全。

Read more about IP Addresses.


When translations are finished and your languages are ready to go live, Crowdin sends the pull request with translations to your version control system. For every branch that is under localization, Crowdin creates an additional service branch with translations. We don’t commit directly to the master branch so that you can verify translations first.

By default, _l10n__ is added to the created service branch name. If necessary, you can easily change it.


There are cases when it’s necessary to disable translations from being pushed to the repo temporarily. In this situation, click Edit, clear Sync Schedule in the integration settings, and click Save. When ready to sync translations with the repo, select the Sync Schedule, and click Save.

The synchronization is processed every hour automatically. If necessary, you can change the update interval in the integration settings. To configure the synchronization schedule – click Edit, scroll down to the Sync Schedule, set the preferred interval, and click Save.

Azure Repos Sync Settings


When you set up the integration, you select existing repository branches to be added to the Crowdin project. 要将未来的分支从 Azure Repos 自动添加到 Crowdin,请在集成设置中为分支名称创建一个模式。

例如,您在 Azure Repos 集成设置中添加一个模式 *功能。 In this case, the future branches that contain this word at the end of the title will be added to the project.

To add a pattern for branch names, follow these steps:

  1. Click Edit in the Azure Repos integration section.
  2. In the appeared dialog, scroll down to the Branches to Sync Automatically.
  3. In the Branches to Sync Automatically field, use wildcard selectors such as ‘*’, ‘?’, ‘[set]’, ‘' and others to identify the necessary branches.
  4. Click Save.
    Branches to Sync Automatically


crowdin.yml is the default file name that is used for automatically synchronized branches. To change the default settings, click Edit, specify the preferred name in the Default configuration file name field in the integration settings, and click Save.

Default Configuration File Name

If you don’t specify your custom configuration file name for automatically synchronized branches, and the integration doesn’t find a configuration file with the default name crowdin.yml in the root of the branch, these branches will be marked in the integration settings with a red icon with an exclamation mark saying “Not Ready. Check the configuration”.


To make integration work in the Target file bundles mode, you need to select the required bundles that you want to push to your repository. If you see a red icon with an exclamation mark next to the service branch name, it means that you haven’t selected any content for synchronization.

There are two ways you can specify content for synchronization:

  • Configuring online
  • Configuring manually by creating a configuration file


This procedure is the same for all integrations with version control systems (VCS). Read more about configuring target file bundles for VCS integration.


The configuration file crowdin.yml should be placed in the Azure Repos repository along with each separate branch you want to push translations to, so that Crowdin knows exactly which translation bundles to send to your repository.

它应该具有与 CLI 所需的相同结构,但出于安全原因,项目的凭据不应存储在文件头中。

Read more about creating a configuration file.


If you’re working with a multi-platform product that has versions for different operating systems, you may want to connect multiple repositories that store content for each operating system. In this case, localization resources (e.g., TMs, Glossaries) and translations could be used more efficiently, reducing the time needed for project localization.

To add another repository, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Integrations tab.
  2. Click on Azure Repos in the Integrations list.
  3. Click Add Repository.
  4. Configure the integration with the new repository according to your needs and preferences.

Azure Repos Integration Multiple Repositories


Once the integration is set up, all related information is stored in the Integrations tab > Azure Repos section.

集成连接后,只有配置集成的项目成员才能更新设置。 All project managers except the person who configured the integration will see the Edit button disabled with the following message when hovering over it: Integration was configured by {Full Name} ({username}).

默认情况下,每小时自动进行一次同步。 If you need to launch the synchronization immediately – click Sync Now.

Azure Repos Sync Now

Alternatively, if you need to sync only one branch separately, click on the needed branch and select Sync branch.

Azure Repos Sync Branch


Q: I have an application build configured to be triggered by every commit. Since Crowdin commits each translation file in a separate commit, how can I avoid unnecessary application builds triggered by commits from Crowdin?
A: Since VCS integrations in Crowdin use API to commit files but not Git, each file is committed separately.

