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Word Counter

Below are the principles due to which Crowdin counts words:

  • A word is a combination of letters, punctuation marks, and special characters (e.g.:@ # $ % ^ & * – _ ` ‘ “) followed by space.
  • A sequence of punctuation marks or special characters is not considered a word.
  • By default, HTML tags are considered separate words for most formats, except the following ones: HTML, Front Matter HTML, HAML, MD, Front Matter MD, XML, WEBXML, IDML, XLIFF, XLIFF 2.0, ADOC, DOCX, MIF, DITA. You can change the default word count settings in your project’s Settings > Import > Word count.
  • URLs (e.g. and emails (e.g. are considered one word.
  • Hieroglyphs in Chinese, Japanese, and other hieroglyphic languages are counted as one word/hieroglyph. For example, “ライフ・イン・トウキョウ。” is counted as ten words.

Other examples of how the words are counted:

Number is -123.453
<a href=”{0}” target=”_parent”>here</a>1 / 7 (if non-HTML-based format is used)
0 – 1 at 24
hello ? world2
<span style="color: #333333;">☂ ☃ ☀⚤</span>0
© %company%1
Monday, August 8, 20114
Let’s look2
Let’s look3 (another type of apostrophe is used)

Translatable HTML Attributes

When working with HTML-based file formats, depending on the file structure, some HTML attribute values may be considered translatable while others not. You can see the list of attributes and situations when their values are considered translatable in the table below.

titletranslatable if contained in any HTML tag<p title="value">Text</p>
srctranslatable if contained in img, iframe, embed, video, audio, source*, track* tags
* – if nested in the parent tags video, audio
<audio src="sound.ogg" controls>Text</audio>
hreftranslatable if contained in a tag<a href="">Site name</a>
datatranslatable if contained in object tag<object data="image.jpg"></object>
valuetranslatable if contained in input, button tags<input value="Text">
placeholdertranslatable if contained in input, textarea tags<textarea placeholder="Enter some text here..."></textarea>
alttranslatable if contained in img tag<img src="image.jpg" alt="Image">
labeltranslatable if contained in optgroup, track* tags
* – if nested in the parent tags video, audio
<optgroup label="Text">
contenttranslatable if contained in meta tag<meta name="description" content="Text">
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