Налаштування користувацьких сповіщень для Google Chat

To set up Custom Notifications from Crowdin Enterprise in Google Chat, follow the steps below.

Creating Google Account

If you already have a Google account, it gives you access to many Google products, including Google Chat. If you don’t have a Google account, you will need to create one.

Download and install the Google Chat desktop app. Alternatively, you may use the Google Chat web interface for further configurations.

Creating Google Chat Webhook

To receive notifications in Google Chat, you need to create a webhook.

Read more about creating a Google Chat webhook.

Once finished, copy the webhook URL. You’ll need it for configurations on the Crowdin Enterprise side.

Configuring Custom notifications in Crowdin Enterprise

  1. Open your Account Settings > Notifications.
  2. Click Custom notifications.
  3. In the appeared dialog, paste the Google Chat webhook URL in the URL field.
  4. Select application/json for the Content type.
  5. Paste the following payload in the Payload field:

         "text": "{{notification-message}}"
  6. Click Test notification to receive a test message from Crowdin Enterprise to your Google Chat channel.
  7. Once finished with the configuration, click Save.

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