Gestione delle Versioni

Mantieni un processo di agile localizzazione ed evita i ritardi di traduzione per testi aggiunti o nuove caratteristiche del prodotto. Integrate your project branches with Crowdin Enterprise and allow translators to access all new texts immediately.


When several people work on product development, branches help manage different content versions. If you have a continuous project, you can add project branches to Crowdin Enterprise and allow translators to translate the texts right in parallel with development to avoid deployment delays.

Il ramo in Crowdin Impresa sembra una cartella regolare contrassegnata con un’icona speciale e avente comportamento specifico per le stringhe duplicate.
Esempio della struttura del ramo in Crowdin Impresa:

Struttura del Ramo

Creazione Ramo

Note! The first files you upload to the Crowdin Enterprise project must contain all the original strings and should be placed in the corresponding branch. For all article examples, a branch with original texts is named Master.

There are a few ways to add branches to Crowdin Enterprise:

  • Integrate Crowdin Enterprise projects with GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket, or Azure Repos. It’s a recommended option, as branches selected for localization in your version control system (VCS) will be created in Crowdin Enterprise automatically.
  • Use CLI or API to add new branches.
  • Create branches manually.
Creazione Ramo usando API

To create a branch via API, use the Add Branch method.

Gestione Branca usando CLI

If you use CLI, you can add and delete version branches with dedicated commands. Alternatively, you can create version branches during the file upload.

Read more about Branch Management with CLI.

Prioritizing Branches

You can set a specific priority for each branch by clicking an arrow icon next to the needed branch. Then translators will see branches sorted according to their priority on the language page and in the Editor.

Branches might have the following priorities:

  • Low Priority– low
  • Priorità Media– medio
  • High Priority– high

To set a priority for your branches, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Sources > Files.
  2. Click an arrow icon next to the needed branch to set the preferred priority.


Per aiutare i traduttori a tradurre coerentemente le versioni ed evitare i costi aggiuntivi di traduzione, abbiamo l’opzione Mostra in un ramo di versione, che consente di nascondere le stringhe duplicate solo tra versioni. Because branches are different versions of the same product feature, their localization content is usually duplicated. If your source files contain strings with apparent identifiers (keys), it’s better to use a strict version of this option. In other cases, feel free to use a regular one.

When this option is chosen, only the master strings first uploaded to the system should be translated. All duplicated strings will automatically gain the translations from the master strings.

Flusso di Lavoro Suggerito

To make sure versions work smoothly for your Crowdin Enterprise project, we recommend the following workflow:

  1. Upload your project files to the Crowdin Enterprise project using one of the methods available.
  2. Open your project and go to Settings > Import > Source Strings.
  3. Switch the Duplicates option to Show within a version branch.

Lo screenshot sotto visualizza come funziona il flusso di lavoro in pratica. All texts from Master, Branch 1, and Branch 2 are transferred to the translation server immediately after they appear, even though the branches are not merged to the Master branch yet.

Translation Download

Translations from all version branches are placed in one ZIP archive when downloaded through the web interface. Usa la CLI o l’API per scaricare le traduzioni per ogni ramo individualmente.

Translation Download using API

To download translations of the specific version branch with API, you can use the following API methods:

Translation Download using CLI

Download translations of the specific version branch:

$ crowdin download -b branch_name

Rami Fusione

Il ramo Principale conterrà i nuovi testi dai rami Funzione appena sono uniti. While synchronizing with Crowdin Enterprise, texts in the Master branch are populated with translations from the appropriate branch.

After synchronizing the updated Master branch with Crowdin Enterprise, you can remove the Feature branch from Crowdin Enterprise. Tutte le traduzioni salvate nel ramo Principale rimarranno.

Verifica di Traduzione del Ramo

You can verify translations on production using only the Feature branch before changes are merged with your Master branch. Such test deployment allows you to quickly revert to the original Master branch version if needed.

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