Memoria di traduzione

La Memoria di Traduzione (TM) è un database delle stringhe d’origine e delle loro traduzioni corrispondenti in diverse lingue, che può velocizzare la traduzione delle stesse stringhe o delle stringhe simili nei tuoi progetti. La TM del progetto è creata automaticamente per ogni progetto. Ogni traduzione effettuata nel progetto è aggiunta automaticamente alla TM del progetto.

Note: Translations made between identical languages won't be added to TM (e.g., from the English source language to the English target language).

Creare la TM

Besides the project TMs that are automatically created along the respective projects, you can also create separate TMs, fill them with the appropriate content by uploading your existing TMs in TMX, XLSX, or CSV format, and then assign these TMs to the needed projects.

Per creare una TM, segui questi passaggi:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar.
  2. In basso a destra, clicca aggiungi.
    Crea la TM
  3. Nella finestra apparsa, denomina la tua TM e seleziona una lingua predefinita che sarà mostrata prima nella tabella dei registri della TM.
  4. (Facoltativo) Clicca Seleziona file per caricare la tua TM esistente. Puoi saltare questo passaggio e caricare una TM in seguito.
  5. Clicca Crea.
    Create TM Dialog

For cases when you need to create a TM based on the translated Crowdin Enterprise project, we recommend using the Translation Memory Generator app.

Managing TM Records

You can create TM records from scratch, edit and delete existing TM records of a particular TM or all available TMs.

Creare i Registri della TM

To create a TM record, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar.
  2. Clicca sulla TM necessaria.
  3. Click Add record.
    Aggiungi Frase
  4. Nella finestra apparsa, seleziona la lingua dal menu a tendina e digita la traduzione del registro della TM.
  5. Clicca aggiungi Traduzione per aggiungere altre traduzioni al registro della TM.
  6. Click Add record.
    Add Phrase Dialog

Modificare i Registri della TM

You can edit both a source and translation part of the existing TM record.

To edit a TM record, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar.
  2. Clicca sulla TM necessaria. Alternatively, click All Records to view TM records of all available TMs in one list.
  3. Modifica una traduzione del registro della TM e premi Ctrl+Invio per salvare le modifiche.
    Modificare i Registri della TM

In addition to editing TM records via the Translation memories page, read more about Editing TM Records in the Editor.

Deleting TM Records

You can delete one, multiple, or all the TM records at once.

To delete all the records from TM, follow these steps:

  1. Select the top checkbox above the TM record list.
  2. Confirm the selection of all TM records.
  3. Click . Deleting TM Records

When dealing with the removal of TM records and translations, there could be three possible outcomes:

  • When deleting a TM record from TM, the related translation won’t be deleted for a string in your Crowdin Enterprise project.
  • When you cancel the translation activity for a string via the Activity tab, the translation for a string will be deleted, but the related TM record will be preserved in TM.
  • When deleting a translation for a string in the Editor, both the translation and the related TM record will be deleted.

For cases when you need to clean your TM from duplicates and outdated TM records, we recommend using the TM Cleaner app.

Scaricare e Caricare la TM

To download or upload TMs, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar.
  2. Clicca sulla TM necessaria.
  3. Click or .

The owner, admins and managers can download and upload TM in the following file formats: TMX, XLSX, or CSV.

Download and Upload Buttons

If you upload a TM in CSV or XLS/XLSX file formats, match columns with the corresponding languages in the configuration dialog. Configuring Columns for CSV/XLSX TMs

Automatic Column Identification for TM in CSV and XLSX File Formats

Once you upload your TM file in CSV or XLSX formats, the system automatically detects the file scheme based on the column names specified in the first row. The identification is performed in a case-insensitive manner. Columns that weren’t detected automatically will be left as Not chosen for manual configuration. Automatic column identification is especially helpful when you upload TM spreadsheets that contain many languages.

To get the most out of the automatic column detection, we recommend that you name the language columns in your CSV or XLSX TM files using the values displayed below:

  • Language name (e.g., Ukrainian)
  • Crowdin language code (e.g., uk)
  • Locale (es., uk-UA)
  • Locale with underscore (e.g., uk_UA)
  • Codice linguistico ISO 639-1 (es., uk)
  • Codice linguistico ISO 639-2/T (es., ukr)

To redetect the TM file scheme, click Detect Configuration.

Note: The Do not import the first row (header) option is automatically selected if the automatic scheme detection identifies all columns in the uploaded TM file.

Downloading TM for Offline Management

When downloading a TM from Crowdin Enterprise in TMX format, you can get some additional metadata that might be useful for different usage scenarios with offline tools.

Additional TM attributes provided by translation memory downloaded in TMX format:

x-crowdin-metadata – String identifier hash.
creationid – Translation author’s full name and username in Crowdin Enterprise.
creationdate – Translation creation date.
changeid – Full name and username of the person who updated a translation.
changedate – Translation update date.
usagecount – Translation suggestion’s number of usages in Crowdin Enterprise.
lastusagedate – The last date a translation suggestion was used in Crowdin Enterprise.

Often translation vendors that work in Crowdin Enterprise export TMs from projects to manage them for their clients in various desktop applications (e.g., for cleaning TMs from irrelevant translations and further reimport back to Crowdin Enterprise). The TM attributes listed above allow better navigation and filtering of TM segments based on different criteria. Also, you might use cleaned and refreshed TMs to train MT engines only on product-specific data to ensure a higher quality of translations as a result.

Assegnare TM

To assign a TM to your project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Resources > Translation memories.
  2. In the Assigned translation memories section, select the needed TMs from the list.

Assegnare TM

Dare Priorità alla TM

When you assign a few TMs to the project, you can set the needed priority for each of them. As a result, TM suggestions from the TM with the higher priority will be displayed in the first place.

The default TM priority value is set to 1. A higher number has a higher priority (for example, 5 has a higher priority than 1). For example, if you assigned four TMs to your project, you can set the priority of 4 to the most important TM, the one that should be used in the first place. And respectively set lower priorities to other TMs.

To set the priority for TMs, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Resources > Translation memories.
  2. In the Priority column, set the preferred priority for assigned TMs.

Dare Priorità alla TM

Changing Default TM

To change your project’s default TM, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Resources > Translation memories.
  2. Click the star icon next to the needed TM from the list.

Changing Default TM

Condividere le TM

Using the shared TMs, you can pre-translate any of the projects in your organization. Also, TM suggestions from all TMs will appear in the Editor.

Note: If you want to share a TM between projects, the source language of both projects must match.

To share TMs between all of the projects in your organization, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and select Translation memories on the left sidebar.
  2. Select Share Translation Memories.
    Condividere le TM

Applicare la Memoria di Traduzione tramite Pre-traduzione

Pre-translation via TM allows you to leverage a configurable (40% to 100% match ratio) and Perfect matches.

Read more about how TM matches are calculated.

Read more about Pre-translation.

Prioritizing TM Suggestions during the Pre-translation via TM

During the pre-translation via TM, the system considers multiple parameters to select the most relevant TM suggestion. If the system finds only one suitable TM suggestion for a string, it will be applied during the pre-translation via TM. If the system finds two or more TM suggestions for one string, they will be sorted based on multiple parameters and applies the most suitable one.

The following parameters are listed in the order the system uses them to decide which TM suggestion works better. If the decision can’t be made using the first parameter (i.e., two TM suggestions with 100% match), the system will use the next parameter until the decision is made.

  1. Relevance – also known as TM match. Read more about TM Match Calculation.
  2. Auto-Substitution usage – verifying whether the TM suggestion was improved by the auto-substitution. Read more about Auto-substitution.
  3. Assigned TM Priority – the priority of the TM a TM suggestion is stored in. Read more about Prioritizing TM.
  4. Primary or dialect language – the primary or dialect language usage in TM suggestion’s source text (e.g., a TM suggestion from English will have a higher priority than English, Canada).
  5. TM suggestion creation date – the date a TM suggestion was created (a TM suggestion with a more recent creation date will have a higher priority).

To better understand how TM suggestions are prioritized during the pre-translation via TM, let’s go through a few hypothetical scenarios. Let’s imagine you have an untranslated string in your project with the following source text Welcome!. Once you run the pre-translation via TM, the system starts to search for TM suggestions in your TMs.

  • The system finds two TM suggestions with the source text Welcome and Welcome!. The translation from the Welcome! TM suggestion will be used since it has a higher TM match.
  • The system finds two TM suggestions: Welcome! and Welcome!. Both have the same source text, so the system checks whether the auto-substitution was used to improve these TM suggestions and picks the one that wasn’t improved by the auto-substitution.
  • The system finds two TM suggestions: Welcome! and Welcome!. Both have the same source text, and both weren’t improved by the auto-substitution. Then the system checks the priority of the TMs these TM suggestions are stored in and picks the one stored in the TM with higher priority.
  • The system finds two TM suggestions: Welcome! and Welcome!. Both have the same source text, both weren’t improved by the auto-substitution, and both are stored in the TMs with the same priority. Then the system checks the source languages of the TM suggestions and picks the one that uses the primary language.
  • The system finds two TM suggestions: Welcome! and Welcome!. Both have the same source text, both weren’t improved by the auto-substitution, both are stored in the TMs with the same priority, and both use primary source languages. Then the system checks the TM suggestion creation date and picks the one with the latest date.

In rarer cases, there could be a situation when two or more TM suggestions are identical based on all the parameters listed above. In this case, the system picks the first one among identical.

Calcolo della Corrispondenza della TM

Crowdin Enterprise calculates the TM match by comparing the source string to be translated and TM’s existing segments.

There are three main types of TM matches:

  • Perfect Match - TM segment’s text and context completely match the source string
  • 100% Match - TM segment’s text matches the source string, but the context is different
  • Fuzzy Match (99% and less) - TM segment’s text is different to a certain extent compared to the source string

If the calculations for Perfect and 100% TM match is relatively straightforward, the fuzzy matches’ calculation may not be so obvious.

There are multiple different factors that affect the calculation of fuzzy matches, for example:

  • Word order
  • Punctuation
  • Formatting tags
  • Matches that are longer than the source string

TM Suggestions Fuzzy Match

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