Plugin Sketch

Preview translations from Crowdin Enterprise for the strings used in the designs in Sketch. These could include original or translated texts. Se necessario, puoi aggiungerne di nuovi (es. titoli delle finestre, etichette dei pulsanti) e inviarli ai traduttori in Crowdin Imprese.

Casi d’Uso

  • Quickly generate multilingual creative assets.
  • Traduci i mockup e testali in diverse lingue prima che la programmazione inizi.
  • Smetti di usare ‘Lorem Ipsum’, aggiungi testi reali da Crowdin Enterprise ai tuoi prototipi.
  • Crea e carica le stringhe di partenza dai tuoi design al tuo progetto di Crowdin Imprese. This way, uploaded strings could be used by developers, which reduces time spent on development.
  • Carica screenshot etichettati al tuo progetto di Crowdin Imprese.

Inviare Progetti per Traduzione in Crowdin

Puoi inviare testi da una pagina selezionata o tavole da disegno selezionate per la traduzione.

  1. Scarica il file di installazione.
  2. Decomprimilo.
  3. Fai doppio click sul file sketch-crowdin.sketchplugin per l’installazione automatica.

Crowdin plugin for Sketch can also be installed with Sketch Runner.

Connecting Sketch with Crowdin Enterprise Account

Configurare le Credenziali di Crowdin Imprese

To specify your Crowdin Enterprise credentials in Sketch, follow these steps:

  1. Clicca Plugin > Crowdin.
  2. Passa a Impostazioni.
  3. Fornisci il tuo Token di Accesso Personale.
  4. Specify your organization domain name and click Connect to Crowdin. Sketch Plugin Connect to Crowdin Enterprise

Per generare un nuovo token su Crowdin Imprese, segui questi passaggi:

  • Vai alla scheda Impostazioni dei Profilo, Token d’accesso e clicca Nuovo token.
  • Specifica il Nome del Token, seleziona Ambiti e Progetti, clicca Crea.

Token d'Accesso Personale di Crowdin Impresa

Selezionare il progetto di Crowdin Imprese

To select the project you’d like to work with, click the Select Project drop-down menu in Settings, and select a project from the list. Later on, you can use the same drop-down menu to switch to another project if needed. Additionally, you can select the specific branch your content will be uploaded to.
Sketch Plugin Selecting Crowdin Enterprise Project

UI Localization

Use the Strings tab when localizing UI and working on dynamic pages with your development and marketing teams. In this tab, you can add source strings from Crowdin Enterprise to your designs in Sketch in a click. Dopo che i testi sono usati nei design, puoi automaticamente caricare gli screenshot etichettati per riferimento ai traduttori in Crowdin Imprese.

Using Source Strings from Crowdin Enterprise in Sketch

  1. Apri il plugin di Crowdin per Sketch.
  2. In the Strings tab, use the Search field to find the specific copy. Puoi cercare le stringhe per testo sorgente, identificativo della stringa o contesto.
  3. Seleziona il livello del testo desiderato a cui aggiungere il testo e clicca sulla stringa necessaria. Sketch Plugin Using Source Strings from Crowdin Enterprise in Sketch

After using the source strings from Crowdin Enterprise in your designs, you can preview translations for these strings in Sketch and upload screenshots for them to your Crowdin Enterprise project.

Adding Source Strings from Sketch to Crowdin Enterprise

You can add the strings that are already used in the designs or create and add completely new strings.

  1. Apri il plugin di Crowdin per Sketch.
  2. To add the strings used in the designs, select the whole artboard, multiple artboards, or the needed strings on the artboards. Alternatively, skip this step if you want to add a new string.
  3. In the Strings tab, click Add String.
  4. In the appeared dialog, fill in the required fields.
  5. (Optional) To add labels to the strings, alternately select them from the Label drop-down menu and click Save.
    Sketch Plugin Add String

Per aggiungere le stesse stringhe in più file su Crowdin Imprese, altrimenti seleziona i file necessari dal menu’ a tendina File.

Sketch Plugin Add String To Multiple Files

If some artboards contain hidden elements that should not be added to Crowdin, clear the Push hidden elements option.

Le stringhe aggiunte saranno trasferite al tuo progetto di Crowdin Impresa e saranno anche visualizzate nell’elenco della scheda Stringhe. You can edit or delete the strings from the same list anytime. Le rispettive modifiche saranno applicate anche alle stringhe nel tuo progetto Crowdin Enterprise.

Key Naming Pattern Settings

To simplify adding strings from Sketch to the Crowdin Enterprise project, you can set up the desired key naming pattern for the source string identifiers in the plugin settings. The Crowdin plugin for Sketch will suggest the string identifiers for new strings based on the selected pattern. While adding new source strings, you can always edit the suggested identifier to the preferred look.

To select the key naming pattern, follow these steps:

  1. Apri il plugin di Crowdin per Sketch.
  2. Passa a Impostazioni.
  3. In the Key naming pattern section, select the preferred option from the drop-down menu.

Caricamento di schermate etichettate su Crowdin Enterprise

  1. Apri il plugin di Crowdin per Sketch.
  2. In the Strings tab, use texts from the Crowdin Enterprise project in your designs. Click Upload Screenshots to upload screenshots of the artboards that include the used texts.
  3. To update screenshots on Crowdin Enterprise, click Upload Screenshots again. Sketch Plugin Upload Screenshots

Per scoprire di più, leggi l’articolo sugli Screenshot.

Previewing Strings

Preview translations from Crowdin Enterprise for the strings used in the designs in Sketch. These could include original or translated texts. When previewing translations in the new frames, you can populate them with the actual translations or with string keys for further use by developers.

To preview strings populated with translations, follow these steps:

  1. Apri il plugin di Crowdin per Sketch.
  2. In the Strings tab, Preview Strings section, select Preview in duplicated artboards or Preview in the current artboards.
  3. Select Create with language.
  4. Select the target language you want to preview translations for. You can also choose All languages.
  5. Choose the content you want to preview in Sketch. Select Page or Artboard.
    Plugin di Sketch Stringhe In Anteprima

To preview strings populated with key names, follow these steps:

  1. Apri il plugin di Crowdin per Sketch.
  2. In the Strings tab, Preview Strings section, select Preview in duplicated artboards.
  3. Select Create with key names.
  4. Choose the content you want to preview in Sketch. Select Page or Artboard.
    Sketch Plugin Preview Keys

Marketing Visuals Localization

Use the Translation tab to localize static pages, like brochures and banners. In this tab, you can send texts with context for translators to Crowdin Enterprise and upload translated copies back to Sketch.

Invio di testi per la traduzione a Crowdin Enterprise

You can send text for translation either from selected or all artboards from a Sketch file. Translators will work with those texts in the list view and use designs as an additional context for even higher translation quality.

In Crowdin Enterprise, a root folder Sketch plugin will be created. Questa cartella conterrà file HTML per ogni tavola da disegno contenuta nella pagina Sketch selezionata. If needed, you can disable content segmentation in the plugin Settings so the long texts will not be split into sentences.

To send Sketch designs for translation, follow these steps:

  1. Apri il file Sketch necessario.
  2. Go to Plugins > Crowdin.
  3. In the Translation tab, Send Texts section, select content you’d like to translate. Select Page or Artboard. Sketch Plugin Send Texts

Quando i file sorgente sono caricati al tuo progetto di Crowdin Imprese, puoi invitare collaboratori a tradurli e revisionarli.

Leggi di più sulle strategie di traduzione.

Uploading Translations from Crowdin Enterprise to Sketch

You can synchronize texts between Sketch and Crowdin Enterprise projects whenever you want to test the translated copy inside Sketch or generate multilingual assets.

To upload translated copies to Sketch, follow these steps:

  1. Apri il file Sketch necessario.
  2. Go to Plugins > Crowdin.
  3. In the Translation tab, Get Translations section, select the target language you want to upload translations for. You can also Select All languages.
  4. Select the content you want to preview in Sketch. Select Page or Artboard. Sketch Plugin Get Translations

After uploading translations to Sketch, the modified file will contain a separate artboard with translations for each target language. The newly uploaded translated versions won’t override the ones you uploaded previously. You can always delete the translated copies you no longer need. Sketch Plugin Uploaded Translations

If you’d like the newly uploaded translated versions to override the previously uploaded ones, open the plugin Settings and select Override existing translations.

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