Target File Bundles (File-based)

Target file bundles or simply Bundles is the feature that allows you to export sets of strings or files in the formats you select, regardless of the original file format. Di default, puoi scegliere dai tre seguenti formati: XLIFF, XML di Android e Stringhe di iOS. You can add more target file formats by installing respective applications from the Crowdin Marketplace.

You can work with bundles in several ways:

  • Manage bundles manually via the project’s Translations tab.
  • Connect a VCS integration in Target file bundles mode.
  • Manage bundles using OTA Content Delivery.
  • Manage bundles using Crowdin CLI and API.

When you work with bundles, the primary location for managing (creating, editing, and deleting) them is the project’s Translations tab (for File-based projects). Once you’ve created a bundle, you can use it with all the aforementioned tools.

Casi d’Uso

I casi d’uso più comuni sono i seguenti:

  • You can upload a single source file (e.g., Android XML) to your project, translate it, and then, using bundles, export translations for multiple platforms (e.g., Android XML for the Android app, iOS strings for the iOS app, JSON for the web app, etc.).
  • Puoi avere un singolo foglio di calcolo (es., XLSX o CSV) dove memorizzare le stringhe sorgente per tutte le piattaforme per cui è sviluppata la tua app e ogni stringa è etichettata con una rispettiva etichetta. Carica questo file sul tuo progetto, traducilo e poi crea pacchetti separati per le diverse piattaforme, usando una combinazione di percorsi del file d’origine ed etichette della stringa.
  • You can localize your mobile app without source files by combining Crowdin design tool plugins (Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD) to send strings straight to the Crowdin project and export translations in the preferred formats using bundles.
  • Puoi esportare serie di stringhe specifiche per la traduzione offline nel formato XLIFF e poi caricare le traduzioni concluse su Crowdin.

Managing Bundles in Translations tab

To work with bundles manually, you can configure and download them in your project’s Translations tab.

Configurare i Pacchetti

Per configurare un pacchetto, segui questi passaggi:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Click Target File Bundles to expand the respective section.
  3. Click Add bundle.
  4. In the appeared dialog, name your bundle.
  5. Specify the source and resulting file paths. If needed, you can add multiple source path patterns using . Nel pannello destro, puoi visualizzare in anteprima la struttura dei file d’origine e di traduzione a seconda dei percorsi specificati.
  6. (Optional) To ignore some folders or files, click Add ignored pattern, specify their respective pattern, and Crowdin will skip these specific files or folders during the bundle generation. If needed, you can add multiple ignore patterns using .
  7. (Optional) You can specify labels in the Filter by labels and Exclude by labels fields to filter strings, including or excluding them in the generated bundle. Read more about Labels.
  8. Select the file format you’d like your strings to be exported in. To add other formats, install the respective applications from our Marketplace.
    Note: You can select only one format at once within a single bundle.
  9. (Optional) If a bundle file format has a icon, it indicates that it has additional options (e.g., Copy source to empty target and Export Translator’s Comments for XLIFF (system), Convert placeholders to target file format for Android XML (system), etc.) you may use when setting up your bundle. Click the icon on a selected bundle file format and configure it according to your preferences.
    Configure Bundle File Format
  10. Click Save.
    Create Bundle

Scaricare i Pacchetti Configurati

To download configured bundles, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Click Target File Bundles to expand the respective section.
  3. Click Download toward the needed bundle.

Download Bundle

Il sistema creerà e scaricherà un archivio ZIP con cartelle per ognuna delle lingue di destinazione del progetto, contenenti i file di traduzione del formato selezionato.

Note: The download of the configured bundles works independently of the full project build download.

Modificare i Pacchetti

Per modificare i pacchetti configurati, segui questi passaggi:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Click Target File Bundles to expand the respective section.
  3. Click toward the needed bundle and select Edit. Altrimenti, fai doppio click sul pacchetto necessario.
  4. Make the necessary edits and click Save.

Modifica pacchetto

Eliminare i Pacchetti

To delete bundles, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Click Target File Bundles to expand the respective section.
  3. Click toward the needed bundle and select Delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete in the appeared dialog.

Elimina pacchetto

Bundles in VCS Integrations

In file-based projects, VCS integrations allow you to work with bundles using the Target file bundles mode.

To configure a VCS integration that works in Target file bundles mode, follow these steps:

  1. Once you select Target file bundles mode and authorize the connection with Crowdin on the VCS side, select the repository and branches to which you want to send translations.
  2. Click to start the configuration of the selected branch.
  3. In the Branch Configuration dialog, specify the preferred name for your configuration file or leave it as is and click Continue.
  4. Select the needed bundles from the list or click Create new to create one from scratch.
  5. Once you’ve selected all the needed bundles in the Branch Configuration dialog, click Save.
  6. To complete the VCS integration configuration, click Save in the dialog where you selected your repo and branches.

VCS Target File Bundles Mode

Read more about configuring VCS integrations online.

Bundles in OTA Content Delivery

To add a distribution that exports translations using bundles, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Click Over-The-Air Content Delivery to expand the respective section.
  3. Add new distribution using the Add distribution button.
  4. In the appeared dialog, name your distribution.
  5. Seleziona Pacchetti di file di destinazione nella sezione Opzioni d’esportazione.
  6. Select the needed bundles from the list or click Create new to create one from scratch.
  7. Once you’ve selected all the needed bundles in the Add distribution dialog, click Next.
    OTA Content Delivery Bundles
  8. Copia l’hash di distribuzione così che tu possa usarlo per l’integrazione.

Read more about OTA Content Delivery.

Bundles in CLI/API

You can also export translations using bundles when working with Crowdin CLI and API.

Read more about Bundles in CLI.

Read more about Bundles in API.

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