Creating an OAuth App

You can create an OAuth App under your organization. Only organization admins will be able to modify its credentials or delete an OAuth app to revoke its access.

Use cases

Some of the most common uses for this functionality include:

  • OAuth apps let you make authorized requests to Crowdin Enterprise API.
  • OAuth apps are often used as a Single Sign-On service. You can allow users to sign in your service with their Crowdin Enterprise accounts.

Adding a New Application

Note: By default, newly created OAuth apps are restricted to the app owner's Crowdin Enterprise organization. To make them available in other organizations, Contact Support Team with the respective request.

To add a new application, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click your profile photo and select Organization Settings. Organization Settings
  2. Select OAuth apps tab and click New App. OAuth app
  3. On the Create application page, enter the following information:
    • Application name and Application description (optional) will be shown to users when they authorize the app with access to their Crowdin Enterprise accounts.
    • Authorization callback URLs are the URLs where users will be sent after they authorize with Crowdin Enterprise. You can add multiple URLs separated by a comma (no need to use quotation marks). OAuth App Details
    • Select the access your app requires from the list of Scopes available. OAuth App Scopes
  4. Click Create Application.

Modifying an OAuth App

After creating an OAuth application, organization admins can make changes to it. Go to Organization Settings > OAuth apps tab to see the list of OAuth apps added for your organization. OAuth Apps List

Click the necessary app to be able to:

  • Update the application name, description, URLs, and scopes.
  • Delete the application.
    Oauth App info
  • Check how many organization users are using the app.
  • Access Client ID and Client Secret of the created application.
  • Reset Client Secret for the app.
  • Revoke all user tokens.
    OAuth Apps User Info

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