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Asset Localization

Localize project content with all the graphics (pictures, logos, non-textual files) in one place. File formats that are not supported by Crowdin Enterprise (e.g., .png, .psd, .jpeg) will be uploaded as assets.

Use Cases

You may upload assets and make all localization data accessible for translators in Crowdin Enterprise. This helps to:

  • Keep all translation data stored under the same roof
  • Avoid miscommunication, as you may provide detailed translation instructions for project members by adding context
  • Ease the integration of translated content back online, as the initial file formats will be preserved

Typical Workflow

To work with assets, follow these steps:.

  1. Upload files to your Crowdin Enterprise project.
  2. Add necessary references for the translators to understand how the translations should be done. Use Context for additional details.
  3. Allow translators to download the files. For this, open your project and go to Settings > Privacy > Translations and enable Allow offline translation.
    Read more about offline translation.
  4. Translators will download the files, localize them offline, and upload the translated versions back

Typical Asset References

  • Adobe Photoshop PSD file (an editable source file that translators can modify according to the localization requirements).
  • Font files since some assets may use custom fonts.
  • Style guide (is shown in the editor as a context or additional downloadable file).
  • Manual/instruction that guides through the localization process step by step.

Assets in TXT Format

Some unsupported text formats (e.g., .toc, .gitignore) will be imported to Crowdin Enterprise as .txt files. Users can translate such files in Crowdin Enterprise directly.

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