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Shopify Apps Localization

Welcome Shopify Partner! If you're looking to expand your app's reach to new markets and users, and enhance your existing global user experience, this guide will help you translate your Shopify app using Crowdin.


The translation process itself is simple with Crowdin. It involves integrating your Github (or any other GIT server) repository with Crowdin. Then your app’s language resource files are imported into Crowdin, where they can be translated into different languages. Once the translations are complete, you can easily export them back to your Github repo. Most importantly, if you have updates in your app, Crowdin will pick the changes up and allow you to easily translate the new content.

Professional Translations

When you set up your Crowdin project, both source texts flow to Crowdin and translated content flows back. You can choose a translation vendor to buy translations from.

As a Shopify partner, you may be eligible for Shopify to cover the cost of localizing your app. Be sure to contact before purchasing translations.

To be eligible for reimbursement, you should buy translations from the following translation vendors:

AI Translations

AI Translations

Crowdin has a wide range of integrations with AI Translation tools and machine translation engines.

If you decide to use AI to translate some of your content, check out the appropriate section of the Crowdin Store.

Read more about Crowdin AI and how it can help you translate your Shopify app.

✅ Doing Multilingual Business

As you localize your application, more parts of your operations will likely become multilingual. For example, emails you send or help pages you offer to customers.

Crowdin will serve as your LangOps tool for your global operations. If you need to translate marketing content, knowledgebase content, or other materials, be sure to check out the Crowdin Store for integration with your marketing automation system or help desk.

✅ Continuous Localization

If you’re constantly improving your Shopify app, you may have multiple branches in your repo.

All branches can be synchronized to Crowdin and translated in parallel with the development process, ensuring that localization doesn’t delay your release.

✅ Context and Quality Translations

Since resource files usually don’t contain enough contextual information for linguists, it is always recommended to provide textual information for your keys (UI copy), upload screenshots of your app, and be sure to respond to linguists when they request context when translating your project.

For Developers: Steps to Integrate GitHub with Crowdin

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start translating your Shopify app with Crowdin:

  1. Create a Crowdin Account. Create a Free Crowdin account here (Pick the Free plan).

  2. Create a New Project. After signing up, go to your profile page and click Create Project. Give the project a name, select your source and target languages.

  3. Connect Your GitHub Repository. Go to your project settings, click on Integrations, and select GitHub.
    You’ll need to authenticate your GitHub account and authorize Crowdin. Visit this page to learn more about Crowdin’s GitHub integration. If you use different code hosting, here you can find all the possible integration tools including integrations with other Git services and CLI tool for more advanced setups.

  4. Start Translating. Your strings will be imported into Crowdin and you can now begin the translation process.

Buying Translations

  1. Navigate to Your Project. Navigate to your app’s Crowdin page.

  2. Go to Tasks. From the top navigation bar, click on Tasks. This will lead you to the Tasks Management page.

  3. Connect Your Github Repository. Click the Create Task button, usually located at the upper-right corner of the screen.

  4. Define Task Parameters. A form will appear where you’ll need to fill out details about the task:

    • Languages: Choose the target languages for this task.
    • Type of Activity: Choose whether the task involves translation, proofreading, or both.
    • Files to Translate: Select the specific files that require translation.
    • Assignee: Select the translation agency of your choise.
    • Deadline: If necessary, set a due date for the task.
  5. Create the Task. Once you’ve filled out the necessary details, click the Create button.

Getting Help

Crowdin provides free, 24x7 technical support to Shopify partners and can help you get your Shopify app global.

Contact Us
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