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Project Menu (Crowdsource View) Module

The module allows the creation of additional tabs on the crowdsourcing public page of the project in Crowdin Enterprise. To work with it, ensure that your project meets the following requirements:

  • The project’s workflow contains the Crowdsourcing step.
  • The project is published on the Crowdsourcing settings page.


You can grant access to this module to one of the following user categories:

For Crowdin:

  • Only me (i.e., project owner)
  • All project members
  • Selected users
  • Guests (unauthenticated users)

For Crowdin Enterprise:

  • Only organization admins
  • All users in the organization projects
  • Selected users
  • Guests (unauthenticated users)


"modules": {
"project-menu-crowdsource": [
"key": "your-module-key",
"name": "Module name",
"url": "/crowdsource-page"



Type: string

Required: yes

Description: Module identifier within the Crowdin app.


Type: string

Required: yes

Description: The human-readable name of the module.


Type: string

Required: yes

Description: The relative URL to the content page of the module that will be integrated into the Crowdin Enterprise UI.

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