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File Post-Import Processing Module

The post-import module allows you to modify the strings parsed from your files after the file import. This module works with both the source strings and their respective translations. The pre-import module is especially useful if you’d like to preserve the original file structure and parse it as it is but want to make some changes to source strings, context, string translations or add labels, and maximum length limits for translations, etc.

With the help of the post-import module, you will get a payload with the file content and strings parsed from it. Using the post-import module, you can modify the parsed strings in a number of ways (e.g., split, merge, or add new strings) and return the modified strings. This allows you to customize the strings without directly modifying the file content.


You can grant access to this module to one of the following user categories:

For Crowdin:

  • Only me (i.e., project owner)
  • All project members
  • Selected users

For Crowdin Enterprise:

  • Only organization admins
  • All users in the organization projects
  • Selected users


"modules": {
"file-post-import": [
"key": "your-post-import-module-key",
"url": "/import-strings",
"signaturePatterns": {
"fileName": "^.+\\.xml$",
"fileContent": "<properties>\\s*<property\\s+name=.*value=.*/>"



Type: string

Required: yes

Description: Module identifier within the Crowdin app.


Type: string

Required: yes

Description: The relative URL triggered on file import, update, and translation upload.


Type: object

Description: Contains fileName and/or fileContent regular expressions used to detect file type when uploading a new source file via UI (or via API without specified type parameter).

Communication between File Processing App and Crowdin

When importing a file, the system detects an appropriate post-import module using the signaturePatterns parameter and makes an HTTP request to the app’s URL ($baseUrl . $url) for further processing containing the extracted strings.

The file processing app will modify the received strings according to your needs. The post-import module allows you to split, merge, add new strings, or edit the attributes of the existing ones. Once the modified strings are returned from the post-import module, they are added to the Crowdin project and become available for translation.

Request to the File Processing App

Request payload example:

// max request payload - 5 MB
// wait timeout - 2 minutes
"jobType": "file-post-import",
"organization": {
"id": 1,
"domain": "{domain}",
"baseUrl": "https://{domain}",
"apiBaseUrl": "https://{domain}"
"project": {
"id": 1,
"identifier": "your-project-identifier",
"name": "Your Project Name"
"file": {
"id": 1,
"name": "file.xml",
"content": "VGhpcyBpcyBmaWxlIGNvbnRlbnQ=", // base64 encoded source file content
"contentUrl": "" // source file public URL
"sourceLanguage": {
"id": "es",
"name": "Spanish",
"editorCode": "es",
"twoLettersCode": "es",
"threeLettersCode": "spa",
"locale": "es-ES",
"androidCode": "es-rES",
"osxCode": "es.lproj",
"osxLocale": "es",
"pluralCategoryNames": ["one"],
"pluralRules": "(n != 1)"
"targetLanguages": [
// same structure as for sourceLanguage, empty when uploading a new source file, one element for import_translations, can be more for multilingual files
"strings": [...],
"stringsUrl": "",



Type: string

Value: file-post-import

Description: Specifies the action of the file post-import module.

file.content, file.contentUrl

Type: string

Description: Parameters used to pass the base64 encoded source file content (file.content) or a source file public URL (file.contentUrl).
Either of these two parameters can be used.

strings, stringsUrl

Type(strings): array

Type(stringsUrl): string

Description: Parameters used for extracted strings after the file import. strings - strings array. stringsUrl - public URL to a new-line delimited json with strings.
Either of these two parameters can be used

Expected Response from the App

Response payload example:

// max response payload - 5 MB
// wait timeout - 2 minutes
"data": {
"strings": [...], // modified strings array
"stringsUrl": "", // new-line delimited json file with modified strings
"error": {
"message": "Your error message"


data.strings, data.stringsUrl

Type(data.strings): array

Type(data.stringsUrl): string

Description: Parameters used to pass the modified strings content.
data.strings - modified strings array.
data.stringsUrl - public URL to a new-line delimited json with modified strings.
Either of these two parameters can be used.


Type: string

Description: An error message that can be passed from the app to Crowdin and will be visible to a user in the UI.

Strings Array Structure

Below you can see an example of the strings that app will receive after the import. The same structure is used for the modified strings in the app response.

Payload example:

// strings should be in "new-line delimited json" format if they passed by URL
{ // non plural string
"uniqId": "9cdfb439c7876e703e307864c9167a15::1", // required, unique ID
"identifier": "string-key-1", // required
"context": "Some context", // optional
"maxLength": 10, // optional, default null
"isHidden": false, // optional, default null
"hasPlurals": false, // optional, default false
"labels": ["label-one", "label-two"], // optional, default []
"text": "String source text", // required
"translations": { // optional
"uk": { //
"text": "Переклад стрічки", // required
"status": "untranslated | translated | approved" // optional, default "translated"
// can be other languages for multilingual, check "targetLanguages" in the request payload
{ // plural string
"uniqId": "9cdfb439c7876e703e307864c9167a15::2", // required, unique ID
"identifier": "string-key-2",
"context": "Some optional context",
"maxLength": 15,
"isHidden": false,
"hasPlurals": true,
"labels": [],
"text": { // keys from sourceLanguage.pluralCategoryNames
"one": "One file",
"other": "%d files"
"translations": {
"uk": {
"text": { // keys from targetLanguage.pluralCategoryNames
"one": "One file",
"few": "%d файла",
"many": "%d файлів"
"status": {
"one": "untranslated",
"few": "translated",
"many": "approved"



Type: string

Description: Unique identifier within the file.


Type: string

Description: Visible string key.

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