Automatische Ersetzung des Übersetzungsspeichers

Auto-Substitution is aimed to increase the benefit of using the Translation Memory (TM) by suggesting translations with a higher similarity match. The feature substitutes the non-translatable elements (such as tags, HTML entities, placeholders, numbers, and more) in translations suggested by TM by the ones used in the source strings.

Non-translatable Elements that can be Auto-substituted

Auto-substitution feature can substitute the following non-translatable elements:

Nicht übersetzbare Elemente Quellzeichenkettenbeispiel Übersetzungsspeichervorschl. (Deutsch) Verbesserter Übersetzungsspeichervorschl.
Tags <b %s>Help</b> <span>Hilfe<span> <b %s>Hilfe</b>
HTML-Objekte Currency € Währung ¥ Währung €
Zeilenumbrüche Profile Profil<br/> Profil
Escape sequences (\r\n, \r, \n, \t, unicode, hex) Translation \x42 Übersetzung \u4242 Übersetzung \x42
Non-escaped equivalents of \r\n, \r, \n, \t Translated by \n TM Übersetzt vom Übersetzungsspeicher Übersetzt vom \n Übersetzungsspeicher
Variablen Example %s Beispiel %1$s Beispiel %s
Zahlen Attempt 2 Versuch 5 Versuch 2
Groß-/Kleinschreibung Log in anmelden Anmelden
Sonderzeichen Help? Hilfe! Hilfe?
URLs More Information: Weitere Infos: Weitere Infos:
ICU-Syntax Erhalten Sie {discountPercent, number}% Rabatt Erhalte {discountValue, number, currency} Rabatt Erhalte {discountPercent, number, percent} Rabatt

Auto-Substitution Setup

To enable the Auto-substitution feature, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Settings > Translation Memory.
  2. Select Enable Auto-Substitution in the Translation Memory section.

Auto-substitution for Pre-translation

To pre-translate your project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Dashboard tab.
  2. Click Pre-translation.
  3. Select via TM from the drop-down list.
  4. Select the target languages and files to which pre-translation should be applied.
  5. Set a minimum match ratio to 100% (includes 100% TM matches, and the ones improved to 100% by auto-substitution).
  6. Click Pre-Translation.

Auto-substitution for TM Suggestions

With the Auto-substitution feature, translators would be able to see the improved TM suggestions in the Editor. The percentage below the improved suggestion shows the match percentage of the original TM suggestion and the improved one.

Note: To configure the minimum similarity match of the shown TM suggestions, go to Editor Settings.

Cost Reports

Once the feature is enabled, it would influence how the Costs Estimation and Translation Costs reports are calculated.

Costs Estimation report would count TM suggestions that potentially can be improved by the auto-substitution feature based on the highest similarity match those strings can be improved to. For example, a match that can be improved from a 75% match to a 100% match would be considered a 100% match.

Translation Costs report would count TM suggestions improved by auto-substitution feature as regular TM suggestions. For example, a match improved from a 75% match to a 100% match would be considered a 100% match.

Note: If the string were translated with an improved suggestion shown, it would be counted as such. Regardless of whether the feature is enabled or disabled at the moment, the Translation Costs report is generated.

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