
Webhooks allow you to receive information about the key events that happen in your Crowdin project, like completed translations or proofreading. Efter opsætning af en projekt-webhook, vil Crowdin begynde at sende POST- eller GET-anmodninger med data til webhook-URL’en via HTTP.

Kun projektejere og -administratorer kan registrere en webhook.


Der kan tilføjes webhooks til at opbygge integrationer med tjenesterne eller med en backend. F.eks.:

  • Opsæt en webhook for at sende notifikationer til det brugte system.
  • Videresend oplysninger til tredjepartstjenester med specifikke forespørgselskrav (f.eks. HTTP-metode, indholdstype).
  • Opret tilpassede integrationer med Crowdin.


Webhooks kan opsættes til flg. begivenheder:

Webhook Payload-eksempler

Read more about Webhook Events (File-based) and Webhook Events (String-based) on Crowdin Developer Portal.

Tilføjelse af Webhooks

To configure webhooks in Crowdin, open your project and go to Tools > Webhooks. Click Add Webhook to start configuring your new webhook.

Flg. oplysninger skal angives for at registrere en webhook:

  • The webhook name (for example, “App Project Translated”).
  • Begivenhederne, som skal overføres URL’en. Der kan enten vælges en begivenhed eller et bestemt begivenhedssæt.
  • URL’en, hvortil callback skal sendes.
  • Forespørgselsmetoden, der angiver den ønskede handlingsudførelse for en given ressource (brug enten GET eller POST).
  • Indholdstypen for POST-anmodningsmetoden (multipart/form-data, application/json, eller application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
  • For applikations-/json-indholdstypen kan vælge sBatch webhooks for at fusionere flere begivenheder til én enkelt forespørgsel.

Optionally, you can add special headers to your webhook. De kan bruges til ekstra sikkerhed som en godkendelsesmetode og meget mere. For example, if you add headers, your webhook endpoint can check them to ensure that information is coming from Crowdin.

When adding a webhook, click Test webhook to see how your application will react to that call.

Tilføj Webhook

Depending on your approach to webhook management, you might need to add dedicated Crowdin IP addresses to your firewall to allow Crowdin to open the pre-configured webhook URLs.

Read more about IP Addresses.

Redigere eller Slette Webhooks

Within a specific project, you can access and manage configured webhooks by editing or deleting them directly from the displayed list.



In the Calls History section, you can view the list of calls of all webhooks that were configured in the project. Use the filter to view all or only unsuccessful webhook notifications.

calls history

Failing Webhooks

Webhooks that fail 100 or more times in the last 24 hours with response codes in the 4xx or 5xx ranges are automatically disabled.

Disabled Webhooks

Disabled webhooks are listed in the Webhooks section with a cleared check mark, indicating that they are currently inactive due to persistent failures. To discover more about failed webhooks, navigate to the Calls History > Unsuccessful section. Here you can explore detailed information about the issues encountered by each failed webhook.

Manual Re-enabling

Once you have identified and resolved the cause of the webhook failures, you can manually re-enable the webhooks to restore their functionality. In the Webhooks section, locate the disabled webhook and select it for re-enabling.

Søge assistance

Behov for hjælp til brug af Webhooks eller evt. spørgsmål? Kontakt Supportteamet.

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