
With updates sent directly to Slack, you’ll instantly know what’s happening in the Crowdin projects you manage or contribute to. After integrating your Crowdin account with Slack, select the notifications you’d like to receive, and the Crowdin bot will send them as direct messages.

Bemærk: Slack-integration til Crowdin skal opsættes for hver enkelt bruger, som skal modtage notifikationer i Slack.

To receive Crowdin notifications via Slack, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper-right corner, click on your profile picture and select Settings. kontoindstillingsmenu
  2. Switch to the Notifications tab and click Connect Slack. tilslut slack
  3. Godkend forbindelsen med Crowdin fra Slack. authorize slack
  4. Go back to Crowdin and select the notifications you want to receive in Slack. slack notifications

You will receive the selected types of notifications as direct messages from the Crowdin bot.

crowdin notifikationer slack

Man kan når som helst deaktivere notifikationer og afbryde Slack fra Crowdin.

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