
Opsæt indstillinger for dubletstrenge for at opnå den højeste effektivitet af lokaliseringsprocessen samt spare omkostninger.


Crowdin Enterprise’s localization process is based on translating source strings to the defined target languages. Kildestrenge uploades til systemet i lokaliseringsfiler. Each unique source string first uploaded or added (for CSV and other formats supporting string editing) in Crowdin Enterprise is considered a master string. All other strings that are identical to the master string but were uploaded or created later are considered duplicate strings.


Der er seks hovedmuligheder til arbejde med dubletstrenge i Enterprise:

  • Vis – oversættere oversætter hver forekomst separat.
  • Vis, men auto-oversætter dem.
  • Vis indenfor en versionsgren (alm. detektering) – skjules kun mellem versionsgrene.
  • Vis indenfor en versionsgren (strikd detektering) – dubletter skjules kun mellem versionsgrene.
  • Skjul (alm. detektering) – alle dubletter deler den samme oversættelse.
  • Skjul (striks detektering) – alle dubletter deler den samme oversættelse.

Almimdelig dubletdetektion – ved sammenligning af strenge, tager Enterprise kun hensyn til kildetekster.
Striks dubletdetektering – ved sammenligning af strenge, tager Enterprise hensyn til både strengeidentifikatorer (nøgler) og kildetekster.


Vis alle dubletter

When this option is selected, all duplicate strings will be visible to translators. Hver dublet kræver separat oversættelse.

Brugssituation: Fungerer perfekt i projekter, hvor de samme ord kan have forskellige betydninger afhængigt af konteksten.

Vis, men auto-oversæt dubletter

When this option is selected, all duplicate strings are shown and automatically translated. Once the master string is translated, its translation is automatically shared among all duplicates. This allows translators to review and re-translate duplicate strings if necessary.

Use case: works excellently if you want to save time but still require automatic translations to be reviewed.

To better illustrate how the Show, but auto-translate them option works, consider the following five-string JSON file: two strings are unique, and three strings have identical source text.

    "hello": "Hello",
    "welcome": "Welcome!",
    "save1": "Save",
    "save2": "Save",
    "save3": "Save"

Upon importing this file, the system marks the first of these identical strings ("save1": "Save") as the master string with the “Master” marking, while the subsequent two identical strings ("save2": "Save" and "save3": "Save") are labeled as duplicates of this master string with the “Duplicate” marking.

Once you set the Duplicate strings option to Show, but auto-translate them, the system keeps all five strings visible to translators and for the master string and its two duplicates, automatic translation propagation is enabled. This means that translations are automatically shared from the master string to its duplicates.

Let’s consider the following scenarios:

  • Master string is translated first – the system immediately propagates the translation of the master string to its duplicates. As a result, all three identical strings (the master string and its two duplicates) are displayed with translations. However, translators can review and re-translate each duplicate with their own translation as needed. If a unique translation is provided for a specific duplicate, it will override the shared translation for that string alone, allowing for precise context-specific translations without affecting the other duplicates. If a translator removes a duplicate’s unique translation, it will be automatically translated with a translation from a master string.

  • One of the duplicates is translated first – the system does not propagate the translation of the duplicate to the master string or the other duplicate. Consequently, one duplicate string is displayed with a translation, while the master string and the other duplicate remain untranslated.

Vis indenfor en versionsgren. Duplicates will be hidden only between version branches

When this option is selected, only the master strings that were originally uploaded to the system will be available for translation. All duplicate strings will automatically get the translations of the original strings and will be hidden in all version branches. This option is available in two versions: regular duplicate detection, strict duplicate detection. If your source files contain strings with apparent identifiers (keys), it’s better to use a strict version of this option. In other cases, feel free to use a regular one.

Et par af ting at huske på:

  • Systemet tjekker altid stien til strengen i grenenes fulde udstrækning. Selv om strengene f.eks. er de samme i forskellige versionsgrene (gren 1 og gren 2), men deres stier er forskellige (gren1 - /localization/android. ml og gren2 - /localization/apps/android.xml), så genkendes de ikke som dubletter.
  • Denne indstilling fungerer kun for strenge placeret i filer med samme format. Findes den samme streng f.eks. i filerne android.xml og ios.strings, genkendes den ikke som en dublet.

Brugssituation: Fungerer perfekt til løbende projekter med forskellige versionsgrene. Lader oversættere arbejde med unikke strenge i separate grene.

Skjul alle dubletter

When this option is selected, the system spots the duplicate strings in all files. Kun de oprindeligt uploadede hovedstrenge er synlige og skal oversættes. The hidden duplicate strings will automatically share the translations from the corresponding master strings. This option is available in two versions: regular duplicate detection, strict duplicate detection. If your source files contain strings with apparent identifiers (keys), it’s better to use a strict version of this option. In other cases, feel free to use a regular one.

Brugssituation: Fungerer godt i projekter med smalle anvendelsesområder, hvor alle dubletter deler den samme kontekst.

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