CSV / XLSX File Configuration

After uploading CSV or XLSX files to a file-based project, they require additional configuration before the system can import the content of these files.

To configure CSV or XLSX files in a file-based project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Sources > Files.
  2. Klik på Opsætning ved siden af filen for at åbne opsætningsvinduet.


The configuration process is similar in a string-based project as well. CSV or XLSX files require additional configuration before they are uploaded to the project.

To configure CSV or XLSX files in a string-based project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Upload tab.
  2. Drag and drop files from your machine.
  3. Klik på Opsætning ved siden af filen for at åbne opsætningsvinduet.

Configure File (String-based)

De samme opsætninger, som nævnt i denne artikel, gælder også for TSV-filformatet. The main difference between CSV and TSV files is that they use different delimiters between columns (i.e., commas in CSV and tabs in TSV).

Opsætningsmuligheder for XLSX-filer

Ved opsætning af XLSX-filer, findes flg. muligheder:

  • Importér alle celler - importér hver celle som en separat kildestreng. Derudover kan Indholdssegmentering bruges til opdeling af kildefilens indhold i kortere tekststykker, typisk sætninger og korte afsnit. Dette er nyttigt under oversættelse af indholdsenheder bestående af flere sætninger, da det er lettere at oversætte mindre tekststykker. Segmenteringsregler eXchange (SRX) bruges til automatisk indholdssegmentering.

  • Opsæt kolonner til import - angiv den foretrukne kolonnerækkefølge.


Kolonneopsætning til import af XLSX- og CSV-filer

Ved opsætning af CSV- eller XLSX-filer vha. valgmuligheden Opsæt kolonner til import, kan flg. kolonnetyper angives:

  • Key – Column contains string identifiers. Typisk en alfanumerisk værdi.
  • Kildestreng – Kolonne indeholder kildestrenge til oversættelse.
  • Source string/Translation – Kolonne indeholdende kildestrenge, men den samme kolonne udfyldes med oversættelser, når filen eksporteres. Når eksisterende oversættelser uploades, bruges dataene fra denne kolonne som oversættelser.
  • Translation – Kolonne for resulterende oversættelser tilføjet ved eksport. Under import samt upload af eksisterende oversættelser, tjekker systemet denne kolonne for eksisterende oversættelser og uploade disse til projektet.
  • Context – Kolonne indeholdende kildestrengskommentarer/-kontekstinformation.
  • Labels – Kolonne indeholdende kildestrengsetiketter. Der kan tilføjes flere etiketter til hver streng, adskilt med kommaer.
  • Max. Length – Kolonne har max.length grænseværdier for strengeoversættelser.
  • Not chosen – Kolonne overspringes under import.


Automatic Column Identification

Once you open the configuration dialog for source files in CSV or XLSX formats, the system automatically detects the file scheme based on the column names specified in the first row. The identification is performed in a case-insensitive manner. Columns that weren’t detected automatically will be left as Not chosen for manual configuration. Automatic column identification is especially helpful when you upload multiple multilingual spreadsheets that contain many languages and additional columns (e.g., Context, Labels, Max. Length).

To get the most out of the automatic column detection, we recommend that you name the columns in your CSV or XLSX source files using the values displayed in the table below:

Column type Expected value
Key identifier, key
Source String source phrase, source_phrase, source string, source_string
Source String/Translation source or translation, source_or_translation, source/translation
Oversættelse translation
Context context
Etiketter labels
Max. Length max. length, max_length
Language (for multilingual files) Language name (e.g., Ukrainian), Crowdin language code, Locale (e.g., uk-UA), Locale with underscore (e.g., uk_UA), Language code ISO 639-1 (e.g., uk), Language code ISO 639-2/T (e.g., ukr)

By default, during scheme configuration, the system treats CSV and XLSX source files as monolingual. To autodetect file scheme for multilingual source files, follow these steps:

  1. Select Multilingual spreadsheet.
  2. Click More and select Detect Configuration.


If multiple files have the same configuration scheme, save your current configuration as a template by clicking Templates > Save as template, then specify the template name and click Create. You’ll be able to apply the template to the newly imported files.

Kolonne Headers

If you don’t want to translate the column headers, select Do not import the first row (header).

Note: The Do not import the first row (header) option is automatically selected if the automatic scheme detection identifies all columns in the source file.

Kolonne Headers

Nulstil regnearksopsætning

If you’d like to start the spreadsheet configuration over, click Reset configuration.

Flersprogede regneark

If your file contains several columns with translations into different languages, select Multilingual spreadsheet and map the languages to the appropriate columns.

By default, when you configure the multilingual spreadsheets, the Import translations option is selected. If you’d like not to import the existing translations from the file, you can clear this option.

If your multilingual source file doesn’t contain enough columns for all project target languages, click Add column. To remove one of the added columns, click Delete selected column.

Multilingual CSV

Opsæt flere filer samtidig

To configure several selected CSV or XLSX files, right-click and select Configure files.


To configure all CSV or all XLSX files at once, click Configure All.


I opsætningsvinduet kan skiftes mellem de valgte filer for at forhåndsvise og tjekke, om den anvendte opsætning er korrekt for alle filer.

Skift af skema til CSV- og XLSX-filer

You might want to update CSV or XLSX files and change the initially configured scheme. The scheme update might be needed when you add a new target language to your Crowdin Enterprise project.

To change the scheme for your source file, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the needed files and select Change scheme.
  2. Select the new file on your machine.
  3. Set the new configuration/template for the file correspondingly.
Note: You can't edit the existing configuration template. Instead, you can remove it or create a new one.

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