
Os Webhooks notificam e ajudam-te a recolher informações sobre os principais eventos que acontecem no seu projeto no Crowdin, como traduções concluídas ou revisão. After you configure a webhook for the project, Crowdin Enterprise will start sending POST or GET requests with data to the webhook URL via HTTP.

Only admins and group/project managers can register a webhook.

Casos de Uso

You can add webhooks to build integrations with the services or with your backend. Por exemplo:

  • Set up a webhook to send notifications to the system you use.
  • Pass information to the third-party services with the specific request requirements (for example, HTTP method, сontent type).
  • Create custom integrations with Crowdin Enterprise.


You can configure webhooks for the following types of events:

Webhook Payload Examples

Visit Webhooks acticle on Crowdin Developer Portal.

Adicionar Webhooks

To configure webhooks in Crowdin Enterprise, open your project and go to Integrations > Webhooks on the left panel. Click Create to start configuring your new webhook.

You will need to provide the following information to register a webhook:

  • The webhook name (for example, “New translation added”).
  • Os eventos par postar no URL. Podes selecionar um evento ou um conjunto específico de eventos.
  • A URL para onde o retorno de chamada deve ser enviado.
  • The request method that indicates the desired action to be performed for a given resource (use either GET or POST).
  • O tipo de conteúdo para o método de solicitação POST (multipart/form-data, application/json, ou application/x-www-form-urlencoded).
  • For the application/json content type, you can select Batch webhooks to merge multiple events into a single request.

Optionally, you can add special headers to your webhook. Eles podem ser usados ​​para segurança adicional, como um método de autorização e muito mais. For example, if you add headers, your webhook endpoint can check them to ensure that information is coming from Crowdin Enterprise.

Add Webhook

When adding a webhook, you can test how your application will react to that call.

Test Webhook

Depending on your approach to webhooks management, you might need to add dedicated Crowdin Enterprise IP addresses to your firewall to allow Crowdin Enterprise to open the pre-configured webhook URLs.

Read more about IP Addresses.

Payloads Personalizados

Each event type in Crowdin Enterprise has a specific payload format with the relevant event information. You can customize the webhook payload to add and organize the elements the way your system requires.

To check the event’s possible variables, hover over the Info icon in the Payload section’s right upper corner.

Payload Personalizado

Sending Webhooks to Slack

With the help of Crowdin Enterprise webhooks, you can send notifications about pre-configured event types directly to a specific Slack channel.

To configure the webhooks’ sending to Slack, you’d need to create a simple Slack app. Read more about Sending messages to Slack using Incoming Webhooks.

As soon as you create and configure your Slack app, you’ll have a Webhook URL that should be used for the Webhooks configuration in your Crowdin Enterprise project.

Note: To send webhooks to Slack, ensure that your custom payload contains the "text" field, and the Batch webhooks option is cleared.

Editar ou apagar webhooks

You can access the list of all existing webhooks within a specific project. You will be able to edit or delete webhooks right from the list of webhooks displayed.

Manage Webhooks


After the events are triggered, you will be able to review the activity of each webhook separately. Use the filter to review all or only unsuccessful webhook notifications.

Webhooks Activities

Alternatively, you can review the full list of sent webhooks in the Webhooks Log. Filter webhook notifications by result (Any or Unsuccessful), event types, or name.

Webhooks Log

Procurando Assistência

Need help working with Webhooks or have any questions? Entre em Contato com a Equipe de Suporte.

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