Strings Duplicadas

Configure settings for duplicated strings to achieve the highest efficiency of the localization process and to save costs.

Visão geral

Source strings are uploaded to the system in localization files. In Crowdin Enterprise, the localization process is based on translating the source strings to the defined target languages. Each unique source string that was first uploaded or added (for CSV and other formats that support string editing) in Crowdin Enterprise is considered the master string. All other strings that are identical to the master string but were uploaded or created later are considered duplicated strings.

Duplicated Strings Management

There are six main options to work with duplicated strings in Crowdin Enterprise:

  • Show – translators will translate each instance separately.
  • Mostrar, mas traduzi-los automaticamente.
  • Show within a version branch (regular detection) – duplicates will be hidden only between version branches.
  • Mostrar dentro de uma versão branch (detecção estrita) – duplicatas ficarão ocultas apenas entre versão branches.
  • Ocultar (detecção regular) – todas as duplicatas compartilharão a mesma tradução.
  • Ocultar (detecção estrita) – todas as duplicatas compartilharão a mesma tradução.

Regular duplicates detection – when comparing strings, Crowdin Enterprise considers only source texts.
Strict duplicates detection – when comparing strings, Crowdin Enterprise considers both string identifiers (keys) and source texts.

Duplicates Options

Show all duplicates

Each duplicate will require a separate translation. When this option is selected, all the duplicated strings will be visible to translators.

Use case: works perfectly for the projects where the same words might have various meanings depending on the context.

Show, but auto-translate duplicates

When this option is selected, all the duplicated strings will be shown and automatically translated. When the master string is translated, its translation is automatically shared between all the duplicates. This allows translators to check and re-translate duplicated strings if necessary.

Use case: works excellent if you want to save time but need the automatic translations to be reviewed.

Show within a version branch. Duplicates are hidden only between version branches

When this option is selected, only the master strings that were originally uploaded to the system will be available for translations. All duplicated strings will automatically gain the original strings’ translations and will be hidden in all version branches. This option is available in two versions: regular duplicates detection, strict duplicates detection. Se seus arquivos de origem contiverem strings com identificadores aparentes (chaves), é melhor usar uma versão estrita desta opção. Em outros casos, sinta-se à vontade para usar um regular.

Couple of things to keep in mind:

  • The system always checks the path to the string throughout the branches. For example, even if the strings are the same in different version branches (branch1 and branch2), but their paths are different (branch1 - /localization/android.xml and branch2 - /localization/apps/android.xml), they won’t be recognized as duplicates.
  • This option works only for the strings located in the files that have the same format. For example, if there is the same string in android.xml and ios.strings files, it won’t be recognized as a duplicate.

Use case: works perfectly for continuous projects with various version branches. Allows translators to work with unique strings in separate branches.

Ocultar todas as duplicatas

When this option is selected, the system spots the duplicated strings in all files. Only the master strings that were originally uploaded are visible and should be translated. The hidden duplicated strings will automatically share the translations from the corresponding master strings. This option is available in two versions: regular duplicates detection, strict duplicates detection. Se seus arquivos de origem contiverem strings com identificadores aparentes (chaves), é melhor usar uma versão estrita desta opção. Em outros casos, sinta-se à vontade para usar um regular.

Use case: works great for the projects with narrow scopes where all duplicates share the same context.

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