Возможности Crowdin

Откройте для себя основные функции Crowdin, необходимые для того, чтобы сделать ваши продукты многоязычными.

Командное сотрудничество

  • Приглашайте пользователей и определяйте уровни прав доступа

    Приглашайте людей в ваши проекты и определяйте их уровни доступа: менеджер, переводчик, корректор. Кроме того, вы можете настроить доступ переводчиков и корректоров к конкретным целевым языкам.

  • Базовые отчеты

    View the activity within your projects (translations, approves, file updates, and more), and a list of top members.

  • Продвинутые отчеты: Оценка затрат, Стоимость перевода

    Рассчитывайте приблизительную стоимость перевода, чтобы планировать свой бюджет. Рассчитывайте точную стоимость перевода, чтобы заплатить вашим переводчикам и корректорам после завершения перевода.

  • Детализация прав доступа Crowdin для предприятий

    Группируйте менеджеров и ресурсы переводов, такие как Память переводов, Глоссарии и Системы машиного перевода, по проектам и группам проектов. This way, you can create several project groups and invite separate managers to each. Translation resources can be available organization-wide, to project groups, or to specific projects only.

  • Tasks

    Создавайте задачи, чтобы вовремя выполнить необходимую работу. Choose files to assign translators and proofreaders to, and set due dates. Получайте уведомления обо всех изменениях и обновлениях в задачах. Разделите файлы между несколькими пользователями.

  • Сообщения

    Отправляйте личные или групповые сообщения прямо в Crowdin.

  • Рынок поставщиков переводов

    Закажите профессиональные переводы у переводческих агентств доступных на Рынке Crowdin.

  • Организации-поставщики Crowdin для предприятий

    Any organization can invite another organization as a vendor. Перевод от поставщика может быть частью вашего рабочего процесса, где поставщик получает ограниченный доступ к вашим файлам и может помочь вам с отдельной частью вашего рабочего процесса, например переводом или корректурой.

Автоматизация рабочего процесса

  • Рабочие процессы Crowdin для предприятий

    Рабочий процесс - это последовательность шагов, которые должно пройти содержимое вашего проекта, например такие, как перевод или корректура. Подключайте шаги параллельно или последовательно для автоматизации потока содержимого.

  • Organization Crowdin для предприятий

    An organization connects all the company's resources and team members (translators, proofreaders, vendors) in a single space. Each organization includes your workspace, user management, localization resources, and general settings. As every organization has a workspace, all the projects are stored and easily managed from there.

  • Project groups Crowdin для предприятий

    Organize related projects under groups that will work like folders.


  • GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket/Azure Repos

    Sync translatable content from your repository with a localization project. Receive translations as pull/merge requests.

  • Plugins for Sketch and Figma

    Localize your content before design and programming start, translate assets, or do localization in parallel.

  • Веб-хуки

    Collect information about your Crowdin project's key events like completed translations, proofreading, and more.

  • Android/iOS SDK

    Deliver new translations from Crowdin to your application in no time with over-the-air content delivery. Get better translations with real-time translation preview, screenshot uploading, and tagging.

  • Custom file formats

    Request custom file format support.

  • Интерфейс командной строки

    Easily integrate Crowdin with your CI server, GIT, SVN, Mercurial, and more. Connect cross-platform Crowdin CLI directly to your code repository.

  • API

    Seamlessly add new content for translation to your Crowdin project, check translation status, merge new content, and more.

  • Ветви

    Get feature branches translated independently from the main branch.

  • PDF localization

    Upload your PDF files and receive corresponding DOCX files right within your project. Get a preview and keep the original formatting. This is done via an external cloud service – ABBYY Cloud OCR SDK.

  • Google Play

    Collect content from your app's store page to do translations and publish them in just a few clicks.

  • Android Studio/ VS Code

    Send your source files to your project in Crowdin and pull translated content back.

  • Jira Software

    Keep track of issues reported by users working on the project translation. Each new issue in Crowdin will become a sub-task in Jira.

  • Slack

    Receive notifications about completed translations, new files, mentions, and other important events in your projects.

  • Zendesk Guide / Freshdesk

    Localize your Help Center and other helpful content to deliver the same level of support globally.

  • Google Drive and 500+ integrations

    Add files to your Crowdin project from Drive and other platforms you store the content at, and download the translations once they are completed.

    Other integrations include tools like Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and more. We keep adding new integrations, so if you're looking for something specific, please get in touch with us at support@crowdin.com

Translator's Efficiency

  • Translation Memory (TM)

    TM is a database that stores the content strings translated before. Reuse translations for the same or similar content you add. Use project-based TM (available only to the assigned project) or global TM (stores translations contributed by all of the open projects).

  • Translation Memory (TM) Auto-Substitution

    Increase the benefit of using TM. The feature substitutes the non-translatable elements (such as tags, HTML entities, placeholders, numbers, and more) in translations suggested by TM by the ones used in the source text.

  • Проверки качества

    QA checks help you easily and quickly detect and avoid common mistakes. For example, they check translations for missed commas, extra spaces, typos, etc.

  • Custom QA checks Crowdin для предприятий

    Create your own QA checks that will check translations for things specific to your projects, like formatting, word spelling, and more.

  • Скриншоты

    Скриншоты — это отличный способ улучшить качество переводов. They appear under each separate string in the Editor so translators see the exact location of a string in the UI.

  • In-Context Visual Editor

    Translate texts directly within an overlay of your web application with Crowdin In-Context. Preview translations just as they would appear on your web app.

  • Словарь

    Create or upload a list of terms used in your project, their definitions, and approved translations to other languages. Keep translations consistent and provide help to translators.

  • Машинный перевод

    Connect MT engines to get quick translations. Currently, Crowdin supports the following MT engines Google Translate, Microsoft Translator, Watson (IBM) Translator, DeepL Translator, and Amazon Translate.

  • Краудсорсинг

    Engage your community to help translate your project. Translators will be able to suggest multiple translations and vote for the best ones.

  • Предварительный перевод

    Automatically translate source files using Machine Translation engines or translations stored in the Translation Memory.

  • Custom Variables

    Specify variables that should not be translated. Custom variables will be highlighted in the source strings to translators. Contact us at support@crowdin.com to add this feature.

Редактор перевода

  • Онлайн редактор

    Workspace for translators and proofreaders available online on any device, with no need to install any software.

  • Offline translation

    Enable translators to download source files and make translations offline on their machines.

  • Скрытый текст

    Hide texts that shouldn't be translated. They are visible only to the project owner and managers.

  • Customizable keyboard shortcuts

    Create shortcuts for saving translations, switching between strings, and more.

  • Support for right-to-left languages

    Translate right-to-left languages as they will be displayed properly in the translation field and exported correctly.

  • Search and replace

    Find specific words and phrases used in your translations and replace them in the strings you choose or all at once.

  • Control over the length of the target segment

    Specify the length of translation required for specific strings.

  • Preview for over 40 file formats

    Preview both the source and translated segments.

  • Comments and issues

    Easily leave comments for each specific string. Translators can discuss the best translation variants, ask context-related questions, or raise issues regarding source strings or translations.

  • Glossary highlight

    Glossary terms will be highlighted directly in the source string, so translators will easily notice them.

  • Filtering options

    Sort strings by date added, length, file order, and others. Filter strings without translations, with comments, approved ones, added after a specific date, or use any other available filter to view only the strings you need.

Security & Management

  • Custom domain name

    Easily share your project on your own URL.

  • Invoice billing

    Request an invoice for your annual payments.

  • Custom authorization methods Crowdin для предприятий

    You can use the Crowdin Enterprise built-in authentication methods or choose one of the external services to verify the identity of your users.

  • Security log

    All Crowdin user accounts come with a user activity log, where you can review the performed actions.

  • Required two-factor authentication

    Require users to enable two-factor authentication for their accounts. It applies to project and organization members.

  • Google Workspace OAuth Crowdin для предприятий

    Authenticate your team members via their existing Google Workspace accounts and have control over them.

  • Единый вход SAML Crowdin для предприятий

    Authenticate your team members or your product's users into Crowdin with the account they already have in the system your company uses.


  • База знаний

    Read our help articles for step-by-step instructions and tips on the most efficient localization process to get the most out of your Crowdin experience.

  • Email and chat support

    Need help finding the answers in our Knowledge Base? Please get in touch with us at support@crowdin.com to get assistance with any questions you might have.

  • On-demand tutorials

    Our customer success team is ready to make on-demand demo calls to help you set up your projects.

  • Custom integrations

    Have an integration idea? Reach out to discuss the possibilities.

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