
Machine translation engines integrated with Crowdin provide translation suggestions from automatic translation services like Google Translate and AutoML Translation, Microsoft Translate, and more.

Additionally, you can add more machine translation engines by installing respective applications from the Crowdin Store.

Suggestions made by machine engines are displayed in the Editor under the translators’ suggestions field. Also, you can do pre-translation using machine translation engines.


默认情况下,每个项目都启用机器翻译,但需要先配置翻译引擎,然后项目成员才能使用。 If you want to disable this option for specific projects, clear Show machine translation suggestions in the project’s Settings tab.


  1. Open your profile home page and go to the Machine Translation tab.
  2. Fill in the credentials of the preferred translation engine.
  3. 点击 更新


机器翻译引擎 ID

Once you specify your MT engine credentials, the system automatically assigns a unique MT engine ID. Later on, you can use these IDs in API requests for pre-translation via machine engines.

You can also get your MT engine IDs via API.

机器翻译引擎 ID


Go to Windows Azure to access your Microsoft Translator API subscription key. Translator Text API 可以免费提供 200 万个翻译字符。

How to sign up for the Microsoft Translator Text API.

Note: If the Resource Location associated with your Microsoft Translator Text API key is other than global, please make sure to specify it along with other credentials while configuring the Microsoft Translator MT engine in your Crowdin account.

DeepL 翻译器

DeepL API 只能通过 DeepL API 免费和专业版订阅计划(对于开发人员标签)访问。 转到 DeepL Pro 账户页面以获取唯一的身份验证密钥。 请注意,DeepL API 计划是唯一提供此功能的计划。

If you’re subscribed to a different subscription plan, you can switch to the DeepL API plan in your personal account settings. DeepL 还提供了一个模拟器,允许您检查您的身份验证密钥。

沃森 (IBM) 翻译

沃森(IBM)翻译每月提供 1,000,000 个字符的免费和付费计划,以供超过限制后选择。 Go to the Watson (IBM) Services Console to get your Watson Translator API key.

ModernMT 翻译

ModernMT 实时翻译 API 可通过实时或人机交互订阅计划访问。 转到 ModernMT 仪表板 以获取您的许可证密钥。 If you’re subscribed to a different subscription plan, you can switch to the Real time or Human-in-the-loop plan via the Manage Plan page.

Amazon 翻译

Amazon 翻译的免费版本可使用 12 个月。 在此之后,您将需要为翻译的字符数付费。

详细了解获取 Amazon 翻译集成所需的访问密钥


  1. 指定您的 AWS 区域 (如 us-east-2)。
  2. Select your Custom Terminology from the respective drop-down menu.

Google 翻译

要使用 Google 翻译,您应拥有一个具有有效结算资料的 Google Cloud 账户。 云翻译根据使用情况按月定价。 了解更多

要获取集成所需的 API 密钥,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 转到 Google Cloud 控制台。 登录到现有的 Google Cloud 账户或设置一个新账户。
  2. 选择一个现有的项目或使用 新项目 添加一个项目。
  3. 转到 API & 服务 > 库 并搜索 云翻译 API
  4. 单击 启用
  5. Go to API & Services > Credentials and click Create credentials > API key.
  6. 复制 API 密钥并单击 关闭

Google Cloud AutoML 翻译

要使用 AutoML 翻译,您应拥有一个具有有效结算资料的 Google Cloud 账户。 Google AutoML 翻译每月根据您发送以供翻译的字符数定价。 了解更多


  1. 转到 Google Cloud 控制台。 登录到现有的 Google Cloud 账户或设置一个新账户。
  2. 选择一个现有的项目或使用 新项目 添加一个项目。
  3. Go to API & Services > Library and search for Cloud AutoML API.
  4. 单击 启用
  5. The next step is to create a service account private key pair. The service account is used by Crowdin. Applications use service accounts to make authorized API calls.


  1. Go to the API & Services > Credentials.
  2. Click Create credentials > Service account.
  3. In the Service account name field, enter a name that describes what this service account will do.
  4. 点击 创建并继续
  5. From the Role list, select Project > Owner and click Continue.
  6. 点击 完成
  7. In the API & Services > Credentials, click on the created service account.
  8. 切换到 密钥 选项卡。
  9. Click Add key > Create new key.
  10. 选择 JSON 并点击 创建。 A JSON file that contains your key will be downloaded to your computer.

Google Cloud AutoML Custom Glossary Configuration

Google Cloud AutoML 自定义术语库可让您以一致的方式翻译特定领域的术语。

要配置您的 Google Cloud AutoML 自定义术语库,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. Open Resources and select Machine Translation.
  2. In the Google AutoML Translation section, upload your JSON credentials.
  3. Specify your Resource Location (e.g., us-central1).
  4. Select your Glossary from the respective drop-down menu.
  5. (可选)指定您的自定义模型。 If needed, configure language mapping between Custom Model and Crowdin languages. Google Cloud AutoML Custom Glossary Configuration

