Freshdesk 集成

Crowdin integration with Freshdesk allows you to localize your Knowledge base articles, FAQs, and other helpful content to provide support to your customers in their native language. When working in Crowdin, your translators can use glossaries, translation memory, and other localization resources you’ve added to your project. This helps keep translations consistent across languages.

Note: You will need to install the Freshdesk integration in your Crowdin account before you can set it up and use it.


Once you configure the integration, the content from Freshdesk is automatically added to your Crowdin project as XML files. Besides articles, you can localize names and descriptions of your helpdesk categories and folders. These texts are added to the project as separate XML files.

Here’s how your project files will look like after the successful configuration:

Freshdesk 集成文件结构

A separate folder is created for each category you choose to localize. 每个类别文件夹将包含以下数据类型的单独文件:

  • 类别名称和描述。
  • 文件夹名称和描述。
  • 每篇文章都有单独的文件。

The numbers in the folder and file names are the IDs of the categories, folders, and articles in Freshdesk. These IDs are visible only to the project owner and managers. 您的翻译员和审核员将看到真实的类别、文件夹和文章的名称,并非 ID。

Once you have uploaded the files to the project, you can invite contributors to translate and proofread the texts. Read more about the translation approaches you can use in Crowdin.

To upload translations to Freshdesk, you can either set up a sync schedule to automatically add translations to the help center at set intervals, or you can initiate a sync on demand. The sync schedule is the final step in setting up the integration.

将 Freshdesk 链接至 Crowdin

To connect your Freshdesk account with your Crowdin project, follow these steps:

  1. 打开您的项目并转到集成选项卡。
  2. 点击集成列表中的Freshdesk
  3. 指定您的 Freshdesk 门户 URL(例如和您的 Freshdesk 个人资料 API 密钥(您可以在 Freshdesk 个人资料设置 中找到它)。
  4. 点击 设置集成
    Freshdesk 集成凭证
  5. 点击设置以完成设置。
    Freshdesk 集成设置
  6. 设置以下选项:
    • 设置时间间隔以配置同步计划。
    • 选择您想要上传描述和文章的类别。
    • 如果您希望同步后在服务台上自动发布翻译内容,请选择发布解决方案翻译
  7. Click Save.
    Freshdesk Integration Select Categories

You can leave Push Translations Every empty and use Sync Now to manually initiate synchronization as needed. Freshdesk 集成立即同步

从 Freshdesk 上传译文

By default, the translations stored in Freshdesk are only uploaded to Crowdin during the initial sync. To manually upload translations to Crowdin, click on the drop-down toggle on the Sync Now button, and click Upload Translations. The integration will upload existing translations to your Crowdin project.

Freshdesk 集成上传译文
