XML 文件配置

The XML files, similar to CSV and XLSX files, require additional configuration after uploading to the project so the system could import the content of these files.

To configure XML files, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to Sources > Files.
  2. 点击文件旁边的 配置,打开配置窗口。
  3. Select which content should be translated and click Save & Import to proceed.

Configure XML File

Configuration Options for XML Files

When configuring XML files, you’ll have the following options: Basic Configuration and Advanced Configuration. Additionally, you can use the Content Segmentation, which is available for both configuration options.


Basic Configuration allows you to select all nodes and/or all attributes to be available for translation.

XML Basic Configuration


Advanced Configuration allows you to select the specific nodes and specific attributes to be available for translation.

XML Advanced Configuration

The file structure is depicted with the help of icons:

  • 节点 – 节点
  • 属性 – 属性

Configure All XML Files at the Same Time

To configure all XML files at once, click Configure All at the top of the Files tab.

When using Configure All, ensure that all XML files contain the same structural elements. Otherwise, some nodes that require translation might be unavailable during configuration and won’t be imported into the project. In this case, it would be necessary to configure each XML file separately.

XML Configuration

In the configuration window, you’ll be able to switch between the selected files to preview and verify if the applied configuration is correct for all files.

Content Segmentation

您可以使用 Content Segmentation 将源文件的内容分割成较短的文字内容,主要是句子和短段落。 这有助于翻译包含若干句子的内容单元,因为翻译较小篇幅的文本更加容易些。 将使用 Segmentation Rules eXchange (SRX) 进行自动的内容分割。

Note: When Content segmentation is enabled, the translation upload is handled by an experimental machine learning technology.

