
Crowdin Store offers 500+ apps you can install to extend Crowdin functionality, synchronize your content stored on a CMS, and more.

Explore Crowdin apps on the Crowdin Store.

Some of the apps are available for free, while others are paid. You might easily distinguish paid apps since all of them have the subscription price specified.

安装付费应用程序后,将为您激活 30 天的免费试用期。 After the free trial, you will be asked to subscribe.

根据您激活与主要 Crowdin 企业版订阅相关的付费应用订阅的日期,第一笔付款金额可能与默认应用订阅费用不同。 在下一个计费周期,应用程序订阅将完整包含在您的主要 Crowdin 企业版订阅中。 Information about all active paid app subscriptions will be added to your invoices.

App Subscription

Subscribing to Paid App

30 天试用期结束后,系统会要求您订阅以继续使用付费应用程序。 To subscribe to the paid app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the app you’d like to purchase a subscription for. 根据应用程序类型,它可能位于项目集成选项卡、编辑器等的 Crowdin 企业版UI 中。
  2. 点击 订阅
  3. You’ll be redirected to the checkout page.
  4. Fill in all the required fields.
  5. Click Proceed to payment to complete the purchase.

应用程序订阅如何与主要 Crowdin 企业订阅一起使用

由于所有 Crowdin 企业版订阅均按年收费,因此您的付费应用程序订阅将从您的账户余额中扣除以及主要的 Crowdin 企业版订阅伪收费。 例如,您的主要 Crowdin 企业版订阅是一个 Team+ 计划(每年收费 5,400 美元,从您的 Crowdin 企业版账户余额中扣除 450 美元/月的伪收费),并且您订阅的付费应用程序每月收费 139 美元,这将 导致每月从您的账户余额中扣除总计 589 美元。

Managing Paid App Subscriptions

You can view your currently active paid app subscriptions, and if needed, you can suspend any of the app subscriptions at any time.

To suspend paid app subscription, follow these steps:

  1. 转到组织设置 > 计费
  2. 点击应用订阅
  3. Click Suspend toward the app name.

