Para Fornecedores

Visão geral

A Vendor is an organization providing professional translation services. Translation Vendor in Crowdin Enterprise can create a separate organization. Within this organization, a Vendor can:

  • Add incoming projects from Clients to the Vendor’s workspace
  • Organize incoming client projects into groups, assign managers to each of them
  • Set up workflows for each separate project
  • Invite in-house translators and assign people to the necessary workflow steps
  • Generate reports and set flexible rates

After a Vendor organization (Vendor) accepts the invitation to cooperate, a Client organization (Client) will be able to assign this Vendor to the workflow steps, like translation or proofreading by Vendor.

A Vendor receives a secured copy of the project workflow steps it was assigned to, along with translation resources of the assigned project, such as Translation Memory and Glossaries.

The Vendor then can add the assigned steps to its own workspace and organize the processes - set up own workflows, assign people to different steps, and use its translation resources.

The Client won’t have any access to Vendor’s organization. It means Vendor’s projects, workflows, or users are only visible to the Vendor. The Client will only receive the strings translated or proofread on the Vendor organization side. Also, the Client won’t see the usernames of your translators or proofreaders. The strings will be marked as Translated or Approved by your organization.

Vendor Organization Mode

To become a Translation Vendor in Crowdin Enterprise, create an Organization and contact Crowdin Support to switch your organization to the Vendor Mode.

After your organization is switched to a Vendor mode, you’ll see the sections Clients and Incoming Projects on the left sidebar of your organization.


Clients are organizations you can provide your translation services to within shared projects. In the Clients section of your workspace, you’ll see a list of all the Clients you collaborate with.

Each time a new organization wants to cooperate with you as a Vendor, it will send you an invitation. It can be done in the Vendors section of the client’s workspace.

The Client organization can invite vendors either by using a subdomain in Crowdin or a shareable link. In the first case, the Client organization will need your organization’s name to send you the vendor invitation. Once you confirm the invitation, this organization will be able to assign you to the workflow steps of its projects.

Confirming Client Request

If you have clients you’d like to cooperate with in Crowdin Enterprise, you can invite them with the help of a shareable link.

Note: Shareable links expire in one week automatically.

Inviting Client

To contact the Client organization and, for example, discuss any localization-related questions, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and go to Clients.
  2. Click Contact on the needed client.

Alternatively, you can contact a specific client the following way:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and go to Clients.
  2. Click on the needed client.
  3. Click Contact client.

Contacting Clients

Incoming Projects

The Incoming Projects section will include all the projects you’re working on as a Vendor.

If your organization is assigned to work on a project, you’ll see a pending request and will be able to add it to your workspace. You can organize incoming projects into groups for better navigation and user management.

Incoming Projects

After you click Add to Workspace next to the Incoming project, you’ll be able to organize the project on your workspace.

Add Project to Workspace

User Management

Users you invite to your organization will have different permissions depending on their roles.

Read more about User Management.

Organization Admins

Admins will be able to access all the projects within the organization. They will be able to accept Vendor invitations, add incoming projects to the organization workspace, set workflows and assign people to the workflow steps. Give people admin access in the Users section.

Group and Project Managers

Group managers will be able to access and manage the projects within a particular group. Project managers will have the same permissions but only within a particular project.

Client Managers

You can assign managers to each Client within the Vendor organization. Client managers will coordinate the cooperation with this Client and its incoming projects.

To assign Client managers for multiple Client organizations, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and go to Clients > Managers.
  2. Click Add managers.
  3. Select needed managers. You can search for members by name, username, or email.
  4. Select clients you’d like to assign the selected managers to.
  5. Clique em Concluído.

Assigning Managers

To assign Client managers for a specific Client organization, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and go to Clients.
  2. Click Assign client managers on the needed Client organization.
  3. Select needed managers. You can search for members by name, username, or email.
  4. Clique em Concluído.

Assigning Managers

In-house Translators and Proofreaders

You can invite all the translators and proofreaders you work with to your organization. They will be able to access those projects within your workspace, where they are assigned to workflow steps. You can assign people to workflow steps, languages and split strings between the project members assigned together at one step.

Our useful Getting Started for Translators will help translators and proofreaders start working in Crowdin Enterprise.


You can also assign Vendors to the projects added to your workspace. For that, you should create a workflow that includes Translation by Vendor or Proofreading by Vendor steps. This is helpful when you need help translating some rare or less common language pairs. The sub-vendor will get a copy of the project steps you assign to them.

Read more about inviting a Vendor and Translation and Proofreading by Vendor workflow steps.

Workflows in Client Projects

The only restriction you get while creating the workflow for the client project is that the source and target languages are already predefined. Within these two languages, you can choose any steps the strings should go through on your side.

You can use workflow templates or create custom workflows for each project.

Read more about Workflows.

Translation resources

Translation Memories and Glossaries are automatically shared with a Vendor when it gets assigned to the particular workflow steps by a Client. The resources will be accessible for the users assigned to translate or proofread strings in the project.

To check the resources available for the project, open the needed project and go to Resources.

Read more about Translation Memory and Glossary.

Organization Rates

You can set up default and specific (custom) rates as a Vendor. These are the rates you will charge the Client for translation and proofreading done by the members of your organization.

Note: You will negotiate the specific rates and the ways your payments will be processed directly with the Client that assigns your organization to the project as a Vendor.

Default Rates

To set the default rates, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and go to Clients > Default rates.
  2. Set the rates for translation and proofreading services.
  3. To add specific rates for translations with different TM match ranges, enable Fuzzy TM matches.
  4. Clique em Salvar.

Set Rates

Specific Rates

The default rates can be overridden by the specific rates for some language pairs or specific Clients.

To set specific rates for a Client, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and go to Clients.
  2. Click Rates on the needed Client organization.
  3. Click and clear Use default rates.
  4. Set the rates for translation and proofreading services.
  5. To add specific rates for translations with different TM match ranges, click and enable Fuzzy TM matches.
  6. Clique em Salvar.

Set Specific Rates

To set specific rates for the language pairs, follow these steps:

  1. Open your organization’s Workspace and go to Clients > Default rates
  2. Click Add specific rates.
  3. Select the needed languages.
  4. Set the rates for translation and proofreading services.
  5. To add specific rates for translations with different TM match ranges, enable Fuzzy TM matches.
  6. Clique em Salvar.

Set Specific Rates

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