Expression Syntax Elements

You can configure verbal expressions and custom placeholders by using elements from this table:

Note: When configuring verbal expressions, use start "true" to indicate the beginning of the string and end "true" to indicate the end of the string.
Element Aliases Descrição Usage examples
start startofline, start of line mark expression with ^
end end of, endofline mark the expression with $
then find add a string to the expression then "abc"
maybe define a string that might appear once or not maybe "abc"
word match any word that contains characters from a-z, A-Z, 0-9, including the _ (underscore) character
anything accept any string
range add a range to the expression range "a,z,0,9"
something accept any non-empty string
anythingbut anything but accept any string but the specified character anythingbut "abc"
anyof any, any of any of the listed characters anyof "abc"
somethingbut something but anything non-empty except for these characters somethingbut "abc"
limit add character limit limit "1,3"
linebreak line break, br match \r \n (might be used only with other elements)
tab match tabs \t (might be used only with other elements)
multiple adds the multiple modifier

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