Перехід на Crowdin Enterprise

Crowdin Enterprise provides team cooperation features (e.g., inviting project members, defining permission levels, tasks, messages, etc.), workflow automation and customization, integrations and plugins, and many more features you would need for efficient project localization.

The migration to Crowdin Enterprise is very simple and straightforward. For example, if your projects share most of the settings and configurations, you can create and configure one project and then, using the Project Duplicator application (could be installed via Store), create all other projects based on the initial project settings, later changing some settings where needed. Depending on the project and resource number, the complete migration could be done in several hours.

Migrating to Crowdin Enterprise from Other Translation Tools

To start your migration, you can use the following step-by-step migration instructions.

  • Download source files
    In most cases, you’ll have them on your machine/server, so this step is optional.

  • Download translations
    Download all the latest translations you have at the moment of transition.

  • Download TM and Glossary
    Download the translation memory and glossary so your translators could reuse them in your Crowdin Enterprise projects.

Migrating to Crowdin Enterprise from Crowdin

If you’re currently using Crowdin and would like to switch to Crowdin Enterprise, you can migrate your Crowdin projects with all related data and resources to your new Crowdin Enterprise organization using the Migration to Crowdin Enterprise tool in your Crowdin Account Settings.

Read more about Migrating to Crowdin Enterprise from Crowdin.

Setting up your Crowdin Enterprise Account

  • Sign up and create an Organization
    Sign up for an account to create your organization where you will manage your localization projects. Log in if you already have your Crowdin Enterprise account.

  • Create localization projects
    Once you have created your account and organization, log in and create a project to which you’ll migrate your data.

  • Upload source files
    There are a couple of ways you can upload your source files to the Crowdin Enterprise project. Use one of the following options:

    • via Sources > Files (for File-based projects) or via the Upload tab (for String-based projects)
    • via direct integration with external services (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, etc.) Explore available integrations on the Crowdin Store
    • via Console Client (CLI)
    • via API

    If you work with a source file format not listed in the Supported Formats article, we can develop custom pre-/post-processors for you. Feel free to contact our Support team with an inquiry.

  • Upload Existing Translations
    Upload your existing translations to ensure that your previous work won’t be lost and that you continue from where you performed the transition. If you plan to use integrations with GitHub, GitLab, or other services, your existing translations could be uploaded in an automated way.

    Read more about Uploading Translations from Repo.

    Note: Uploading translations from a repo to your Crowdin Enterprise project is only available for file-based projects.
  • Upload TM and Glossary
    If you have Translation Memory (TM) and Glossary from your previous translation tool, feel free to upload them to your Crowdin Enterprise project. These localization resources might greatly help your translators during the translation process and ensure high-quality translations.

What Are the Next Steps?

  • Inviting the translation team
    In Crowdin Enterprise you can choose your translation strategy based on the content you’re localizing. Choose one and combine several translation strategies: send a request to a translation vendor integrated with Crowdin Enterprise, bring a translation agency you already work with, invite your community, use pre-translation via Machine Translation or Translation Memory, etc.

    Читайте більше про стратегії перекладу.

  • Integration with external services
    In Crowdin Enterprise, you can use system integrations (e.g., integrations with GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure Repos, etc.) to synchronize your source and translation files, install additional applications from the Crowdin Store to add new features and integrate with even more services. Even if there is no integration with some services/platforms you use, you can create your custom integration by developing Crowdin Apps.

    Read more about Crowdin Apps.

Assistance from our team

If you require any assistance during the migration process, our team is ready to help you with any step. For any guidance, feel free to contact us at support@crowdin.com.

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