Скачивание переводов (На основе файлов)

You can download translations from your file-based Crowdin Enterprise project using and combining various options listed below:

Скачивание переводов из проекта

To download translations for the whole project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Click Download as ZIP to expand the respective section.
  3. Click Download.

Собрать проект

By default, the downloaded ZIP archive contains separate folders for each language. These folders are named with corresponding language codes.

Read more about Language Codes.

To change the structure of the ZIP archive, use file export settings.

Скачивание переводов на отдельный язык

To download translations for a separate target language, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Click Download as ZIP to expand the respective section.
  3. Select Selected languages.
  4. Select the needed language from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Download

Download Language

Скачивание переведенного файла

You can download translations for a separate file either on the language page or in the Editor.

To download translations for a separate file on the language page, follow these steps:

  1. Откройте ваш проект и выберите целевой язык.
  2. Click toward the needed file.
  3. Select Download.

To download translations for a separate file in the Editor, follow these steps:

  1. Откройте ваш проект и выберите целевой язык.
  2. Click on the needed file to open it in the Editor.
  3. Click on the Main menu in the upper-left corner.
  4. Select Download.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut to download translations for a file (by default, Ctrl+S or +S).

Target File Bundles

The Target File Bundles section allows you to manage bundles for exporting sets of strings in one of the selected formats.

Read more about configuring bundles.


Over-The-Air Content Delivery

The Over-The-Air Content Delivery section allows you to set up and manage instant translation delivery to your mobile (iOS, Android), server, web, or desktop apps via CDN.

Read more about Content Delivery.


Preview Translations

To preview translations for a whole project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project and go to the Translations tab.
  2. Choose one of the available options in the Preview translations section:
    • CSV – download all project translations in a single CSV file.
    • XLSX – download all project translations in a single XLSX file.
    • Preview in browser – preview all project translations in a convenient table view.

Preview Translations

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