SAML SSO konfigurálása az Okta-hoz

To set up Crowdin Enterprise SAML SSO in your Okta, follow the steps below.

Set up Crowdin Enterprise SAML App

  1. Open the Okta Dashboard using an administrator account.
  2. From the Dashboard page, go to Applications.
  3. Click Add Application.
  4. Click Create New App.
  5. In the Create a New Application Integration dialog, set Platform to Web and Sign on method to SAML 2.0, click Create.
  6. On the Create SAML Integration page, add an application name (for example Crowdin Enterprise) on the General Settings step.
  7. (Optional) Upload a PNG, JPG, or GIF file to serve as a logo for your Crowdin Enterprise SSO app. The image should have dimensions less than 1400x400px and be less than 100k in size. You can find the Crowdin icon on the Using the Crowdin Logo page.
  8. Keep the App visibility options cleared, click Next.
  9. On the Configure SAML step > SAML Settings section, you need to enter Single sign on URL, Audience URI (SP Entity ID), leave the Default RelayState empty, set the Name ID Format to Persistent, Application username to Email, click Next.

    Single sign on URL:{your-organization-name}/acs
    Audience URI (SP Entity ID):{your-organization-name}/metadata

    Note: Make sure to replace {your-organization-name} with your real Crowdin Enterprise organization name.
  10. On the Feedback step, select the I’m an Okta customer adding an internal app option, click Finish.
  11. After you finished setting up the app on the Okta’s side, you’ll be redirected to the app’s Sign On tab. In the Settings section, click View Setup Instructions.
  12. In the new browser tab, you’ll see the credentials that need to be specified in your Crowdin Enterprise Organization Settings > Authentication page > SAML.
  13. Copy the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL, Identity Provider Issuer, and download the certificate.
  14. In a separate browser tab or window, log in to your Crowdin Enterprise Organization, open the Organization Settings > Authentication page, and click on SAML at the bottom of the Authentication methods list.
  15. Enter the information you copied in Step 13 (paste in the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL in the SAML SSO Endpoint field, Identity Provider Issuer in the Identity Provider Issuer field, and drag and drop your certificate file to the Public Certificate field), click Save.
  16. Select the checkbox next to SAML in the Authentication methods list so that your users could use it as the desired authentication method to log in to your Crowdin Enterprise organization from the login page.

Felhasználók hozzárendelése

In this section, you’ll enable users to use Okta single sign-on by granting access to your Crowdin Enterprise Organization.

  1. Open your Okta Dashboard using and go to Applications.
  2. Click on your new Crowdin Enterprise SAML app.
  3. Switch to the Assignments tab, click Assign, and select Assign to Groups.
  4. In the Assign Crowdin Enterprise to Groups dialog, click Assign on Everyone to enable Crowdin Enterprise SAML app to all users in your organization, click Done. Alternatively, you can assign separate groups or individual users.

Test SSO

  1. On the Crowdin Enterprise login page, select your organization and click Log in.
  2. Click on SAML. You should be automatically redirected to the Okta login page.
  3. Enter your login credentials. After your login credentials are authenticated, you’re automatically redirected to Crowdin Enterprise.

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