Localização de Tradução Contextual de Aplicações Web

Crowdin In-Context tool provides an overlay for your application. You can use In-context for your web applications to help maintain the best translation quality. Translators and proofreaders can translate in context and preview completed translations instantly to see how they will be displayed in your application.

Quick Demo

In-Context localization is tied up with your Crowdin project, where translatable files are stored. Translations made using In-context will be added to your project the same way as translations made directly in the Editor.

This tool provides a view of your application with editable texts, so the translation process is real-time visible. Até mesmo a parte dinâmica da aplicação e frases que contém espaços reservados, podem ser traduzidas desta maneira.

To learn how to set up In-context translations for your project, read In-Context Setup.

In-Context in Action

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